The meaning of BOOBY HATCH is a raised framework with a sliding cover over a small hatch on a ship.
booby 5 ENTRIES FOUND: booby(noun) booby(noun) booby hatch(noun) booby prize(noun) booby trap(noun)
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishboo‧by/ˈbuːbi/noun(pluralboobies)[countable]informalasillyorstupidpersonExamples from the Corpusbooby•Any half-blindboobycan see it makes nosense.Originbooby(1900-2000)→BOOB Pictures of the day ...
to incubate the eggs until the eggs hatch 41–45 days later. Both parents provide food to their chicks, with the male bringing home most of the food for the chicks’ first month of life, while the female protects and warms the chicks by supporting each of them on the tops of her feet...
Booby prize definition: a prize given in good-natured ridicule to the worst player or team in a game or contest.. See examples of BOOBY PRIZE used in a sentence.
By the time the eggs hatch, the nest has a border of feces all around it. This is because the females and males relieve themselves there at the nest in order to watch over their young. The gestation period of these birds is 40 to 45 days. This is similar to the gestation period of...
booby 5 ENTRIES FOUND: booby(noun) booby(noun) booby hatch(noun) booby prize(noun) booby trap(noun)
Booby trap最早見於1850年,最初是學童的惡作劇; 更致命的意義在第一次世界大戰期間發展起來。Booby-hatch“用於覆蓋商船後艙口的木製框架”最早見於1840年; 作爲“精神病院”於1936年出現。 也來自:1590s booby的趨勢 根據調整。Ngrams可能不可靠。
Booby trapis by 1850, originally a schoolboy prank; the more lethal sense developed during World War I.Booby-hatch"wooden framework used to cover the after-hatch on merchant vessels" is from 1840; as "insane asylum" by 1936. also from1590s ...