a bony fish(Osteichthyes) is one whose skeleton is made of bone, while a cartilaginous fish(Chondrichthyes) has a skeleton made of soft, flexible cartilage. A third type of fish, including eels and hagfish, is the group known asAgnatha, or jawless fish. ...
bony fish 例句 1.But in the pit, the majority of specimens were roach, a small bony fish that’s difficult to eat without some sort of processing. 2.Not all fish have bones — sharks have skeletons made of cartilage — and only bony fish form fish rings. ...
class Osteichthyes,Osteichthyes- a class of fish having a skeleton composed of bone in addition to cartilage crossopterygian,lobefin,lobe-finned fish- any fish of the order Crossopterygii; most known only in fossil form lungfish- air-breathing fish having an elongated body and fleshy paired fi...
19.Their cartilaginous skeletons are less dense thanbonyones and require less energy to move. 这些生理特质从4亿多年中进化而来它们软骨质骨架比硬骨骨架更轻。 「TED-Ed(视频版)」评价该例句:好评差评指正 海底两万里(原版) 20.All right, listen and learn, Ned my friend!Bonyfish are subdivided into ...
Decorate your desktop with this stunning Wallpaper Hd Sharks Unlike Bony Fish That Have A Skeleton Composed Of Bones, Sharks And Their Relatives Rays And Chimaeras Have Flexible Internal Skeletons Made Of Cartilage. wallpaper. C...
For example, the jawless fishes (Agnatha) have gills in pouches and lack limb girdles. Extant agnathans are the lampreys and the hagfishes. As the name implies, the skeletons of fishes of the class Chondrichthyes (from chondr,“cartilage,” and ichthyes,“fish”) are made entirely of ...