Finally, the tree heights were established and the tops were pruned. Slight adjustments to the trunk angle were also made. The newly created small size Chinese quince forest was thoroughly watered and placed in a protected location. This is now the beginning of a new forest which will be deve...
Est. Feb.2002 by six MS Master Gardeners, this small club has annual shows/exhibits and basic Bonsai classes and participates in exhibits of nearby clubs. For further details contact Mitch Thomas, (985) 643-1573 or email: HylanderOB1 (at) aol.comWebsite: http://www.msgulfcoastBonsai....
Mr. Morimae also featured two Japanese five-needle pine bonsai from the Daizo Iwasaki Collection for sale, complete with certificate of provenence. Each tree and container for sale was labeled, but the label had to be turned over for pricing. There was one bonsai I wanted to buy, but coul...
cooking or tanning. In Asia candle fuel was made from the Japanese wax tree,(Rhus succedanea),which is often trained for bonsai. Poison sumac(Rhus vernix),as well as Poison Ivy(Rhus toxicodendron),can cause rashes to some people.
John Naka. John’s tree was closer to the ones in the early books than Paul’s were. So began an intense and ongoing study. Brother Tad Fujii also had the good fortune of having to chauffeur visiting workers from Japan who came to San Gabriel Nursery to style trees for sale. They ...