This chapter explains the process of formulating of the Bono Desarrollo Humano (BDH, Human Development Bond) in Ecuador. First, I present the political and economic context during its process of adoption. Firstly, I describe the period of its creation as a Bono Solidario (BS, Solidarity Bond)...
Factores que inciden en el tipo de consumo que efectúan los beneficiarios del Bono de Desarrollo Humano (BDH), Monte Sinaí, Guayaquil - Ecuador doi:10.48082/espacios-a21v42n10p06The objective of this work is to determine the factors that affect the type of ...
cash transfer贫困社会计划厄瓜多尔现金转移支付pobrezaprograma socialEcuador's conditional cash transfer program, Bono de Desarrollo Humano (BDH), reaches more than 400,000 households with children, providing economic assistance to these families. Even though there are no official results of the program ...
Using administrative panel data, this study analyses social mobility in Ecuador and evaluates the effect of the social transfer programme Bono de Desarrollo Humano (BDH). Results show that social policies should focus on household composition, the accumulation of human capital, and the accumulation of...
2016. "Programas de Transferencias Condicionadas. Bono de Desarrollo Humano (2003-).",C,McGuire,J,2017,Obstacles to takeup:Ecuador's conditional cash transfer program, the Bono de Desarrollo Humano, World Devlopment 97, 165-77...
S. (2010). The impact of a cash transfer program on cognitive achievement: The Bono de Desarrollo Humano of Ecuador. Economics of Education Review,29, 116-125.Ponce, Juan, and Arjun S. Bedi, "The Impact of a Cash Transfer Program on Cognitive Achievement: The Bono De Desarrollo Humano ...