Bonnie and Clyde would be the first film role for Gene Wilder, and he acted his limited part with exceptional nuance. Adding subtle comedy to the scene, as only Gene Wilder could do, was never envisioned by director Arthur Penn. Being pleasantly surprised by the comedic rendition, Penn left...
“Bonnie and Clyde” is a milestone in the history of American movies, a work of truth and brilliance. It is also pitilessly cruel, filled with sympathy, nauseating, funny, heartbreaking, and astonishingly beautiful. If it does not seem that those words should be strung together, perhaps tha...
There’s a new movie on Netflix called ‘Highwaymen‘. The movie details the search for Bonnie and Clyde andtheir inevitable endand stars Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson. I like this movie because it does a better job telling more of the real story, than other efforts. ...
Image via Netflix A Bonnie & Clyde remake would have been unlikely to be a success, but The Highwaymen succeeds by telling the story from a fresh perspective. Bonnie and Clyde represented a youthful aptitude for anarchy that was spurned by a resentment of the established order. Their crime...