Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night, is a traditional British celebration held annually on 5th November. It is a night filled with fireworks and bonfires and is a more »
Children sometimes blacken their faces to look like Guy Fawkes. Before Guy Fawkes Day, some children carry out home made effigies of Guy Fawkes on the street and ask passersby for ‘a penny for the Guy.’ This money is then used to buy fireworks for Bonfire Night. To read more interestin...
Bonfire Traditions Facts What’s in a Bonfire? Bonfire Do’s and Don’ts Words as Fuel Match the Night It’s Bonfire Night! Bonfires in Asia & the Middle East Bonfires in Europe Poemfire Around the Bonfire Campfire SongLink/cite this page...
Learn about Guy Fawkes Night with its history and traditions in English culture. Discover Bonfire Night and how it is a yearly memorial on the 5th...
Activity:As a class, discuss what the children know about Bonfire Night. Have they been to any firework displays? Have they ever seen a bonfire with a burning Guy on top? Do they know where the tradition comes from? Younger pupils could draw ‘Wanted’ posters for Guy Fawkes. Older pupils...
Bonfire night is a special time of year around the UK. Read on to find out fascinating facts about this iconic date and the man behind it.
Bonfires were lit to announce the safety of the king, and a tradition was born. Over time, it became customary for effigies, or dummies, of Fawkes to be burned in the bonfires, followed by fireworks. Read Guy Fawkes & Bonfire Night | History, Facts & Tradition Lesson ...