Bones is an American drama television series that premiered on the Fox Network on September 13, 2005. The show is a forensics and police procedural in which each episode focuses on an FBI case file concerning the mystery behind human remains brought by F
Bones《识骨寻踪(2005)》第十一季第二十集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,Whoa, I-I thought we said that there was no TV 我们不是说好除了周末以外 during the week, Bones. 都不看电视的吗 骨头 Mommy says its educational. 妈妈说这是教育节目 Well, a frozen body was re
我为什么要伤害她 If you dont mind, Im gonna keep one of these little books. 不介意的话 我留一本小册子 Whatever you need... Dr. Brennan. 随意拿吧 Dr. Brennan This is a rough composite, but you get the idea. 这是粗略成像 但你肯定明白 Skull trauma was not the cause of death. 颅骨... Are you working on another book? Reichs: I am. It will be out next summer and is called Bones to Ashes. How do you feel about the spin-off books by Max Collins that are based on the TV show? Reichs: It was an experiment. They are very different ...
(Like my alter ego, I type for a living. Some days it's making the web, some days it's making software, some days it's making books.) When did you start using BBEdit? AFTER MY SELECTRIC BUSTED (I have childhood memories of the first time I typed on an IBM Selectric, but I don...
Though she only started reading King after doing Desperation, Gish has a copy of On Writing on the nightstand in her bedroom, and is currently reading Lisey’s Story, which see describes as “phenomenal.” She says that King’s books translate well into film “because he always has characte...
Based on a series of light novels, No. 6 is a very interesting story of maturity and intrigue. While reactions were mixed at first, especially as it had to condense nine books into 11 episodes and changed the ending while toning down some of the most gruesome scenes in the books, now ...
不客气 患者 So,Agent Coors,I hope the books I gave you 科尔斯探员 我上次给你的那几本 on multiple personality disorder helped. 关于多重人格障碍的书有帮助吧 Okay. 好吧 So after I scanned in all the bones, 我把所有骨头扫描过之后 I remembered Girolamo Cardano. 我突然想起了吉尔拉诺·卡尔达诺...
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She also writes books. => 她也写书。 Fine. => 精细。 She's all yours. => 她都是你的 Great. => 大。 Let's grab your skull, and let's vamoose. => 让我们抓住你的头骨,让我们vamoose。 What, that's it? "She's all yours"? - Why did you stop me? - What does it matter...