ACDB Log In Treasure! Scroll down and claim the chest. [close] Member FeaturesDragon SlayerSearch Anime Characters Quotes Bones 36 viewsRandom M F X Animal Ears ☰ Menu >>> ID 92180 Name Bones Other Names ボーンズ Wealth Role Unsorted From Banana Fish Media Type anime Voiced By ...
chest,pectus,thorax- the part of the human torso between the neck and the diaphragm or the corresponding part in other vertebrates axial skeleton- the part of the skeleton that includes the skull and spinal column and sternum and ribs
My bones protect your body. For example,the bones that make up your head are called the skull(颅骨).头骨is the hard outer shell your brain and protects it. The ribs(肋骨)that protect your chest protect your heart and lungs. Your bones are very strong to support the body. Many bones i...
ribcage –a series of connected horizontal bones in your chest that protect the heart and lungsskeletal muscles –muscles attached to your skeleton with tendonsskull –the bones in our head that protect the brainsprain –an injury called by pulling a tendonstrain –a muscle injury that can ...
And as I’m typing this on my phone, sweet Penny is napping on my chestContinue reading Hello Motherhood! She’s Here! → This is the Fruit of God’s “Restoration Investment” in Me July 8, 2024 beautybeyondbones22 Comments Caralyn is in her final week of pregnancy, feeling grateful...
I bid you welcome my guest I have something to get off my chest I am a fan to some degree of curiosities Now now don’t you fret I have a spot for all of my guests On the mantel or the bookcase I can always make some space ...
The axial skeletonincludes the bones of the head, neck, chest and back. The skull contains 28 bones, 22 of which are members of paired sets and six of which are unpaired. As you may have gathered from knowing that the body in general is symmetrical, the six unpaired skull bones span th...
8. bare(in Bridge): bareace,king sec/sèche II.bare[GBbɛː,Ambɛr]VERBEtrans Voir le tableau de conjugaison tobareone'schest sedécouvrirlapoitrine tobareone'steeth montrerlesdents tobareone'shead sedécouvrir tobareone'sheart/soulto ...
The medical term for a bone spur is osteophyte, which means bone growth. A bone spur is a smooth lump of bone that usually occurs near the edge of a bone where bones come together. A bone spur takes years to grow and is most common in people over age 60. …Read More ...