the framework of bone around the body below the waist.pelvis ˈpelvicadjective pélvico Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. pelvis →pelvis Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009 pel·vis ...
你的脖子由颈椎组成The cervical vertebrae make up your neck你的反射由脊髓来主导The spinal cord keeps your reflexes on deck你的肋骨由胸椎来支持The ribs are supported by thoracic vertebrae腰椎则躺在Lumbar ones are at脊髓通路的末端the end of the spinal cord pathway五块骶椎融合Five sacral vertebrae a...
Between each pair of vertebrae is a spongy disk of cartilage. These disks become temporarily more compressed throughout the day, and permanently more compressed as you age. They’re the reason you go to bed a little bit shorter than when you woke up, and why you’re likely to lose an ...
Innervation: Branches of lumbar plexus (L1-L3) Function: Hip joint: Thigh/trunk flexion, Thigh external rotation; Trunk lateral flexion Psoas minor Origin: Vertebral bodies of T12 & L1 vertebrae Insertion: Iliopubic eminence, Pectineal line of pubis Innervation: Branches of lumbar plexus (L1-L3...
2.bones a.The skeleton. b.The body:These old bones don't do much dancing anymore. c.Mortal remains:His bones are buried up on the hill. 3.An animal structure or material, such as ivory, resembling bone. 4.Something made of bone or of material resembling bone, especially: ...
Cervical vertebrae (7): immediately posterior to the cranium. Atlas (C1) is at the top. Axis (C2) is below the atlas. Thoracic vertebrae (12): middle segment. Attach to ribs. Lumbar vertebrae (5): lower back. Sacral (5): below the lumbar. They are fused. ...
30、c vertebrae a) there are costal fovea (superior, inferior and transverse costal fovea) b) the spinous process arelong and downward sloping.3. Lumbar vertebrae The spines are strong, square and horizontal.4. Sacrum a) base of sacrum (promontory). b) pelvic surface (concave, 4 pairs of...
of tubercle rib Superior costal facet Thoracic vertebrae Spinous process Superior articular process and facet Inferior articular process Lumbar vertebrae Inferior costal facet Source Lesson: The Thoracic Cage: Bones, Structure & Classifications 12) Label the parts of the lumbar vertebrae shown below. Cer...
Cervical vertebrae C1-C7 Thoracic vertebrae T1-T12 Lumbar vertebrae L1-L5 Scoliosis abnormal lateral curvature of the spine Kyphosis excessive outward curvature of the spine, causing hunching of the back. (compression fracture) Lordosis abnormal front curvature of the lumbar spine (sway-back condition...
An implant for the stabilization of bones or vertebrae is provided, the implant being a solid body including a longitudinal axis that defines a longitudinal direction and including