Long bones: Long bones have a slightly curved shaft capped on both sides with hyaline cartilage and are longer than they are thick. They're made mostly of compact bone, allowing them to support great amounts of weight and withstand pressure. The femur is an excellent example of the strength...
What type of joint has limited movement and is comprised mostly of hyaline cartilage? Which of the following bones articulate at the glenohumeral joint? a. humerus and ulna. b. Manubrium and clavicle c. Scapula and Humerus. d. Femur and hip bone ...
The much greater preservation of bones and teeth is made possible by the fact that they are comprised of mostly mineral matter. Teeth, for exam- ple, have a very tough outer covering--called enamel--that is highly mineralized. Consequently, teeth are especially resistant to natural processes ...
What type of joint has limited movement and is comprised mostly of hyaline cartilage? What is the joint between the sacrum and the hip bones called? What bones articulate at the hip joint? Which joint is formed where the humerus and scapula meet? a. acromioclavicular b. scapulo...
"2 The way in which the Shang imagined the dead and the consequences of that imagining are the subject of this article. 我在本文中认为晚商时期——繁荣于约公元前1200-1045年间的河南北部地区、陕西西南地区以及山东西部地区——王朝的贵族们制造了他们的祖先;我认为他们以某种方式制造了他们的祖先,这...
Information relating to locomotion in Ardipithecus ramidus (4.4 mya, Aramis and Gona, Ethiopia) is derived mostly from an incomplete foot and a few isolated metatarsal bones (Lovejoy et al., 2009; White et al., 2009). The talus was found to be ape-like, and its shape implies that A. ...
1), with long bones best represented and extremities mostly absent, the minimum number of elements (MNE = 35) demonstrates a very low overall skeletal representation. The best represented elements are, in decreasing order, the tibia (six of the eight tibias expected for four adolescents/...
Both odontogenic cysts and tumors are well-known and presented in recent studies [2]. Their occurrence is mostly related to intraosseous features, quite often near tooth-adjacent or tooth-bearing structures. In some cases, extraosseous lesions, soft tissue involvement, and other manifestations can ...
Tutl (Faroese for “whisper”) was founded by a Danish Jazz composer named Kristian Blak, and in the last 35+ years has put out hundreds of releases for 100 or so artists. The roster is mostly comprised of Faroese bands, but Tutl has released albums for bands from outside the Faroes...
Considering DASH score, the former group showed mostly excellent (40%) and good (45%) outcome while the latter exhibited mostly fair (55%) and good (30%) result. Conclusion: It may be stated that plate osteosynthesis is a better option in the treatment of diaphys...