Booth and Brennan's first on screen kiss.S3E9有B&B的荧屏初吻。 Abbey_long 安吉天使 14 The original air date of this episode, which involves a murder on a college campus, was delayed a full year in the wake of the tragic mass shooting at Virginia Tech on April 16th, 2007. Incidentally...
S0516,又是经典中的经典,回味了booth和bones第一次办案,第一次kiss,booth也第一次向bones表达自己的情感,“I don't know how...”,就这样,bones missed her first chance...看着booth的泪水,我们当时也被虐的不轻啊,不过折腾了100集,booth终于说出了这句话也是个不小的进展S0517,bones的同学会,浪漫的舞步...
When Booth and Bones sleep together? In Season 6 episode 22, 'The Hole in the Heart,' Bones and Booth slept together for the first time. What episode does Brennan hurt? "Two Bodies in the Lab" is the 15th episode of the first season of the television series, Bones. Who killed Lance...
Seeley Joseph Booth is a Special Agent with the FBI and the current FBI liaison to the Jeffersonian. Seeley Booth is currently an agent with the FBI. He frequently consults with his professional partner Dr. Brennan, whom he has nicknamed 'Bones', and her
For the complete episode, Brennan continues to attempt to put herself in Booth’s sneakers, even at one point working at a suspect and knocking him down. When the suspect is apprehended, and placed within the interrogation room with Sweets and Booth, the suspect asks why Sweets is there inst...
Booth_and_Brennan_Nothing_happens_unless_first_a_dream_(100th_episode_tribute).mp4 轻舞音符 昆虫专家 13 BOOM BOOM POW,相当相当相当CUTE的一个视频,小骨可爱完了><视频和音乐的节奏配合的非常到位,我师弟(悟净TX)快爱死了。。。
I mean they should be trying to make her character more likeable which I know is possible because I thought when she was kicking butt in the first episode that was a good direction to take her character. I think making her the Black Canary will make her more likeable, granted who knows ...
Christine Orlando at May 10, 2016 11:00 am .Angela cheatedon Hodgins…in her dreams, Aubrey and Jessica fumbled their way through their first kiss, and Booth was made responsible for Brennan's behavior on Bones Season 11 Episode 14. ...