识骨寻踪 第九季 Bones Season 9第12集 凶手的鬼魂 本集中文名:凶手的鬼魂 本集原名:The Ghost in the Killer 播放时间:2014-01-10星期五(当地时间) 剧情简介: 一个装着女性尸骨的神秘包裹寄到了布伦南家里,她将尸骨带去杰斐逊进行分析。死者拉娜死于1995年,她曾因架帆船出海环游世界而轰动一时。布伦南无法...
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New Bones season 9,episode 15 spoilers & clips hit the net. Last night,Fox released the new spoilers and sneak peek/spoiler clip (below) for their upcoming "Bones" episode 15 of season 9. The episode is entitled, "Heiress In The Hill, " and it appears to be pretty interesting as Boot...
Credits 1 title Past Television (1 title) Episodes The Goodies (1982) (TV Series) - Vocalist (1 episode, 1982) Animals Are People Too (二月 13, 1982) Season 9, Episode 6 - Vocalist 1 IMDbPro is a proud sponsor of ReFrame MAIN MENU Home My Page Jobs View Mobile Site ...
NBC: "America's Got Talent" (9.96 million, 5.8/9)CBS: "How I Met Your Mother" season finale (8.5 million, 5.0/8)FOX: "Bones" season finale (7.1 million, 4.4/7)The CW: "Gossip Girl" season finale (1.2 million, 0.8/1)18-49 leader: "How I Met Your Mother" (3.6)Bones的那个...
Global TV (Canada) airing season finale of Bones on Thurs May 20th - not on Wednesday as it usually does. Fox will also be airing the finale, The Beginning in the End, on Thursday May 20th!Source: Global TV 闷...为虾米... 偶大概翻一下:Global TV (Canada)将在5月20日星期四而不是...
On Bones, Tiffany Hines plays Michelle Welton, Cam’s adopted daughter. Her last appearance was in the season 9 episodeTurn in the Urnwhen Michelle breaks up with squintern Finn. Since that appearance on Bones, Tiffany has appeared in 4 episodes of Stickers as Marta Rodriguez. ...
1.5万 10 3:34 App 💀Bro以为他心跳不已💀(纯享版) 35 -- 1:31 App 《龙珠Z:卡卡罗特-DLC 6》预告片| PS5和PS4游戏 78 -- 2:29 App 《东京罪恶》第二季 官方预告片Tokyo Vice: Season 2 — Official Trailer (2024)浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息...
识骨寻踪 第九季 Bones Season 9第4集 牺牲的意义 本集中文名:牺牲的意义 本集原名:The Sense in the Sacrifice 播放时间:2013-10-07星期一(当地时间) 剧情简介: Pelant回来了,杰斐逊学院团队对他恨之入骨,发誓这一次要彻底终结他的恐怖行径,将他打入十八层地狱。一具尸体即将被运到杰斐逊学院供研究之用,调...
我真不知道编剧是咋想的,把zack编成凶手真是牵强啊。看了第4季第1集,我理解编剧的想法,纯粹的逻辑只能造成悲剧。但是,其他人,像Bones,Dr Reed,Sheldon这些人变成凶手,我都能理解,但是,zack这么可爱,没有办法把他当成凶手啊。bones第三季结尾是我看过最伤心的season final,没有之一。 feiwudeliuguan 掘墓大...