Preferences are stored in UserData\MelonPreferences.cfg. LoggingMode: NORMAL or DEBUG. For most people normal is fine, debug will just show more info to help with development. SkipIntro: true to not play the intro at the start of the game and go straight to the menu. Auto Updater By def...
Lakatrazz: BoneMenu improvements, fixed issues after game updates Trev: LemonLoader support SoulWithMae: SpawnCrate helper methods, added a class with commonly used barcodes, added a notification system, added helper methods for loading stuff from embedded resources WNP78: Ported the mod to ML ...
Preferences are stored inUserData\MelonPreferences.cfg. LoggingMode:NORMALorDEBUG. For most people normal is fine, debug will just show more info to help with development. SkipIntro:trueto not play the intro at the start of the game and go straight to the menu. ...