arrest of bone marrow骨髓抑制 相似单词 biopsyn. 1.活组织检查,活检 marrown. 1.[U]髓,骨髓 2.精华,精髓 3.活力 4.[C]【英】食用葫芦 bonen.[C] 1.骨,骨头 2.骨质;骨质物,骨状物 3.(bones)骨骼;身体;尸骸 4.(供食用的)带肉骨头 5.(剧本、小说等的)基本结构,基本框架 6.核心,本质;(常作...
美[bon ˈmæro ˈbaɪˌɑpsi] 释义 骨髓穿刺活组织检查,骨髓活体织织检查术 实用场景例句 全部 Methods: To diagnose hematopathy withbone marrow biopsyand bone marrow aspiration. 方法采用骨髓活组织病理学、骨髓涂片细胞形态学检测方法.
0240 VATA Inc.’s Bonnie Bone Marrow Biopsy Skills Trainer™ is a first-of-its-kind patient simulation tool. Bonnie was designed with clinician input to replicate, teach, and reinforce the skills needed to perform a posterior iliac crest bone marrow biopsy procedure. This healthcare simulation...
结构及组成/主要组成成分活检针由针管、针芯、手柄、鲁尔帽和定位钮组成。其中针管和针芯的材料均为304不锈钢、手柄和定位钮材料为聚碳酸酯,鲁尔帽材料为ABS工程塑料。为一次性使用无菌产品。适用范围/预期用途适用于获取骨和/或骨髓样本。 资质展示 国械注进20162141894 沪宝食药监械经营许20220040号 91310120MA1HL...
The intended audience for this work appears to be the physician in training or the pathologist without extensive experience in bone marrow interpretation. The hematologist or hematopathologist will probably find little new information. This book reviews the experience with bone marrow biopsy at the ...
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Related to Bone marrow biopsy:bone marrow transplant,Bone marrow cancer bi·op·sy (bī′ŏp′sē)·op·sies 1.The removal and examination of a sample of tissue from a living body for diagnostic purposes. 2.A sample so obtained. ...
Bone marrow biopsy, as with liver biopsy, may be helpful diagnostically with disorders that are associated with bone marrow abnormalities. Bone marrow biopsy is of importance in diagnosing various neoplastic disorders (eg, preleukemia, multiple myeloma when other tests are negative). Bone marrow biop...
Histologic diagnosis is typically made from biopsy of an involved lymph node. A bone marrow biopsy is typically performed as well. 对受累淋巴结进行活检是非常重要的,骨髓活检也是如此。 2. Results Bone marrow biopsy showed the hyperplasia of bone cells more accurately and had a hig...
biopsy characteristicsLeukemiaMyelocyticAcuteChromiumpredictive白血病粒细胞急性铬We retrospectively analyzed 194 previously untreated acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients to evaluate the role of Day 14 bone marrow (BM) biopsy in predicting complete remission (CR). Sixty-seven percent received induction ...