Bone tumors in the pelvis presenting growth during pregnancy. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 1999;119:22-29.Komiya S,Zenmyo M,Inoue A.Bone tumors in the pelvis presenting growth during pregnancy[J].Arch Orthop Trauma Surg,1999,119(1-2):22-29....
arm bone- a bone in the arm long bone,os longum- in limbs of vertebrate animals: a long cylindrical bone that contains marrow arm- a human limb; technically the part of the superior limb between the shoulder and the elbow but commonly used to refer to the whole superior limb ...
pelvis- phalanx- pubis- radius- rib- sacrum- scapulashoulder blade skull- sphenoid- spinal columnorspinebackbone stapesstirrup sternumbreastbone talusanklebone tarsal- tarsus- temporal bone- tibiashinbone ulna- vertebra- vertebral columnbackbone
Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed(inpublic domainatYahooorBartleBy) Images: Related links to external sites (from Bing) Related Studies Trip Database TrendMD Ontology:Bony pelvis(C0448168) ConceptsBody Part, Organ, or Organ Component(T023) ...
Joint forces in the human pelvis-leg skeleton during walking For the calculation of the forces in the hip, knee and ankle joints during walking the knowledge of the three-dimensional movements of the human body and of the forces between foot and ground is a prerequisite. It is shown how thi...
What is osteonecrosis of the right femur? What type of joint connects the femur to the pelvis? What is a bone island in the sacrum? What happens when your hip is bone on bone? What is bone disease? What is the distal femur? What are the parts of the femur? Is the femur a long ...
Some bones have a chiefly protective function. An example is the skull, which encloses the brain, the back of the eyeball, and the inner ear. Some, such as the pelvis, are mainly supporting structures. Other bones, such as the jaw and the bones of the fingers, are concerned chiefly wit...
Dietary indicators in preserved human bone were studied and compared to reconstructed diet for a sample of individuals who lived in southern Ontario in the 19th century. Stable isotopes of carbon were analyzed in preserved bone collagen and in foods. Foo
The femur is sometimes called the thigh bone because it is the only bone located in the upper portion of the leg known as the thigh. At the top, it attaches to the pelvis to form the hip joint. At the bottom, it attaches to the tibia and fibula to form the knee joint....
pelvis- phalanx- pubis- radius- rib- sacrum- scapulashoulder blade skull- sphenoid- spinal columnorspinebackbone stapesstirrup sternumbreastbone talusanklebone tarsal- tarsus- temporal bone- tibiashinbone ulna- vertebra- vertebral columnbackbone