the growing together or the fixed or almost fixed union of two bones, as the two halves of the lower jaw. —symphyseal, symphysial, symphystic,adj. syssarcosis the joining of two or more bones by muscle. valgus abnormally turned condition of a bone in part of the human body,...
Additionally, the majority of current research on GC-induced osteoporosis focuses on older populations, leaving limited information regarding the impact on premenopausal women and men under the age of 50.46 Diabetic osteoporosis Growing evidence suggests an elevated risk of osteoporosis and osteoporotic ...
If approved by the Food and Drug Administration for laboratory testing, the scaffold-like structure, a layered porous mesh stronger than bone would substitute for a portion of the patient's lower jaw until healthy, newly grown bone and blood vessels could weave their way through it like vines ...
The suitability of a paramedian insertion site will need to be based on the patient's age as the palatal suture in growing patients is unlikely to be completely ossified; consequently, two MIs in the paramedian zone might be preferable to ensure good primary stability. ...
Studies were conducted on growing Sprague-Dawley rats divided into three groups: control, static load, and dynamic load.The dynamic load group received a dynamic load on the lower right molars 5 minutes per day with a 0.3 g acceleration and peak strain of 30 με registered by accelerometer ...
The misorientation is systematic throughout the entire length of the tooth. The jaw bones (pyramids) are composed of large porous single-crystal units. The multiplex architecture of the tooth combines calcite components of different sizes, shapes, compositions and crystallographic orientation to provide...
The temporary joints between growth centers (described later) in a single growing bone are cartilaginous. Some of these joints persist in adulthood, such as the cartilaginous connections between the ribs and the breastbone (sternum). A symphysis is a variety of cartilaginous joints in which the ...
of the jaw. For example, bone grafts are increasingly used in treating mandibular defects in dogs, allowing for better outcomes in dental surgeries and enhancing the overall health and quality of life of the animals. This growing application in dentistry highlights the versatility and importance of...
Bone remodeling is a lifelong process that gives rise to a mature, dynamic bone structure via a balance between bone formation by osteoblasts and resorption by osteoclasts. These opposite processes allow the accommodation of bones to dynamic mechanical f
Osteoconductioninvolves the apposition of growing bone to the three-dimensional surface of a suitable scaffold provided by the graft.9Osteoconduction requires the structural and chemical environments that simulate those found incancellous bone.10The ideal scaffold provides dimensional stability and degrades...