Pro Osteon Hydroxyapatite Bone Graft Substitute: ICD-hyphen10 codes not covered for indications listed in the CPB (not all-hypheninclusive): Numerous options Nonunion of fracture [Codes not listed due to expanded specificity] Numerous options Subluxation and dislocation of vertebrae [Codes not listed...
Especially, homo- and co-polymers and blends of aliphatic polyesters of lactide, glycolide, epsilon -caprolactone, p-dioxanone, and trimethylene carbonate with auto- or allo-graft bone or cartilage tissues, demineralized bone, or synthetic calcium containing bone regenerating materials such as ...
To overcome the weakness of particulate bone graft materials, biodegradable three-dimensional (3D) porous scaffolds have been clinically introduced in dentistry [9]. 3D porous scaffolds can maintain the physical space necessary for bone regeneration, thus not only preventing the invasion of undesired ...