Closed (simple) fracture: The broken ends of the bone do not break the skin. Types of Fractures Comminuted fracture: The bone splinters at the site of impact. Types of Fractures Greenstick fracture: Partial fracture; only occurs in children. Fracture Repair Formation of fracture hematoma, Fibro...
bone fracture and repair blood vessels are ruptured and a hematoma (blood clot) forms , new blood vessels develop osteoblasts multiply and form spongy bone near new blood vessels Fibrocartilage forming forms in distant areas, fibrocartilaginous callus forms, bony callus replaces fibrocartilaginous callu...
initial bone formation, fracture repair, unorganized type I collagen, weak Lamellar mature bone replaces woven, strong, type I collagen When does lamellar bone replace woven bone? during development or injury repair Cancellous trabecular spongy bone formed by interconnecting trabeculae that provide intern...
Types of Epithelial Tissue and Their Locations 9個詞語 quizlette89975651 預覽 Anatomy and Physiology 201 Exam 2 Epithelial Tissues 8個詞語 tdt229 預覽 Connective Tissue Functions and Components 58個詞語 kcaban22 預覽 Animal tissues 老師64個詞語 johnjadom9302 預覽 Quiz two review 57個詞語 strom783...
SILENT until fracture 2 types: minimal trauma or spontaneous osteoporosis dx bone densitometry - gold standard (T / Z - score) FRAX score - calculates risk factors & dexa results - 10 yr risk report women over 65 can get DEXA osteoporosis supplemental tx calcium (calcium carbonate) & vit D...