网络骨质量 网络释义 1. 骨质量 骨强度主要由骨密度(bone density)和骨质量(bonequality)两方面因素决定,骨密度的变化可以客观反映骨量的变化,并由 …|基于2个网页
Both bone mass and quality are responsible for bone strength. Whereas bone mass is measured with bone mineral density, quantification of bone quality is more complex and involves bone architecture, texture, and mechanical parameters. Over the last decade, significant progress has been made in develop...
Abbasi-Jahromi et al., " Bone Quality Factor Analysis: A New Noninvasive Technique for the Measurement of Bone Density and Bone Strength, " Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 11, No. 5, 1996, pp. 594-599.Bone quality factor analysis: a new noninvasive technique for the ...
骨密度全称是骨骼矿物质密度,是骨骼强度的一个重要指标,以克/每平方厘米表示,是一个绝对值。一项应用DXA测定腰椎L2--L4及髋部骨密度的权威实验表明,男性峰值骨密度年龄各部位均在20--24岁,L2--L4 密度值为1228(g/cm2);女性峰值年龄腰椎在30--34岁,值为1197(g/cm2)。髋部骨密度峰值年龄在25...
(I)-Cre; Kif3afl/fltransgenic mice showed no marked abnormalities in embryo size, limb patterning, or growth plate architecture at E16.5–18.5 or skeletal morphology, bone density, or bone quality as adults. Similar to this study, Qiu et al. conditionally deletedKif3ain osteoblasts by usingOc...
Quality and quantity of bone following alveolar distraction osteogenesis in the human mandible. Clin Oral Impl Res. 2006;17(4):394- 402.Chiapasco M, Lang NP, Bosshardt DD. Quality and quantity of bone following alveolar distraction ostegenesis in the human mandible. Clin Oral Impl Res 2006;...
Goktepe AS, Yilmaz B, Alaca R, Yazicioglu K, Mohur H, Gunduz S: Bone density loss after spinal cord injury: Elite paraplegic basketball players vs. paraplegic sedentary persons. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2004;83:279-283. OBJECTIVE: To compare the bone mineral density of elite paraplegic basket...
Nevertheless, errors in bone mineral density measurement and interpretation could occur and negatively affect the diagnosis and management of patients. These errors can result from improper equipment installation and maintenance, inadequate education and training in bone densitometry, and insufficient knowledge...
Quality and perfor- mance measures in bone densitometry. I. Errors and diagnosis. Osteoporos Int 2006; 17:1283-1292.Gluer CC, Lu Y, Engelke K (2006) Quality and performance measures in bone densitometry. Part 2: fracture risk. Osteoporos Int 17:1449-1458...
In 1892, Julius Wolff proposed that bone density adapts to the mechanical forces placed on the bone.1 Much later, Harold Frost clarified this observation and described a control circuit called the ‘mechanostat’ that links the degree of strain induced by mechanical forces to skeletal remodeling....