positively with density values, then fragmentation has been primarily structured by bone density; however, if a significant positive correlation is lacking, then we can rule out density-mediated attrition and shift our focus towards human causal factors. The Pearson’s r correlation coefficients for f...
Blood of 431 patients with primary breast cancer were analyzed for EpCAM, MUC1 and HER2 transcripts with the AdnaTest BreastCancer™ (AdnaGen AG, Germany). Expression of the ER and PR was assessed in an additional RT-PCR. BM aspirates from 414 patients were analyzed for DTCs by immunocy...
VGS visual grading score WGAN Wasserstein generative adversarial network Tb.BMD trabecular bone mineral density Ct.BMD cortical bone mineral density Appendix A. Generator Configurations Table A1. Generator details for 3D-ProGAN with method channel size equal to 16. For each layer, information on outp...