The purpose of the bone density measurement is to quantify the density or mass of bone mineral (calcium hydroxyapatite) in a medium consisting not only of the mineral itself, but also fat, muscle and bone marrow constituents as well as other biological materials. Measurements at central sites, ...
Terminology: Bone Mass, Bone Density, and BMD. Many terms are used to describe the amount and density of a bone (Box 1). Bone mass refers to the amount of bone in the skeleton or in one location. However, no technology produces a measurement called bone mass. Bone mineral density is ...
3, Kyle K Nishiyama2, Chiyuan A Zhang2, Thomas L Nickolas2, Elizabeth Shane2 and X Edward Guo1 Hispanic Americans of Caribbean origin are a fast-growing subset of the US population, but there are no studies on bone density, microstructure and biomechanical integrity in this minority group. ...
Bone Mineral Density of the Lumbar Spine in White Mediterranean Spanish Children and Adolescents: Changes Related to Age, Sex, and Puberty L. DEL R I 0 , A . CARRASCOSA, F. PONS, M. GUSINYE, D. YESTE, AND F. M. DOMENECH CETIR [L.d.R., F.P., F.M.D.] and Cllildren's ...
Similar to the pattern of changes in limb morphology and locomotion (see Evolution of Cetacean Locomotor Patterns, high bone density in stem cetaceans (e.g., pakicetids, protocetids) was found to be associated with static buoyancy control for life in shallow water, whereas low ...
Osteocyte density is sometimes included as an additional independent quality factor unrelated to bone density. Rate of Bone Turnover Bone is constantly being resorbed and reformed (see Chapter 4). Each time this occurs, there is a temporary deficit in the amount of bone in the skeleton; the ...
(aerial, fully aquatic, and subterranean), their terrestrial sister groups (TSG), and more distantly related terrestrial species. We use these data to test whether differential patterns in the structure of the appendicular and axial skeleton can be correlated with these specialised lifestyles, taking...
learn more about this topic from other elsevier products sciencedirect inferior nasal concha the lamina of the inferior nasal concha is a thin, vertical, undulating sheet of bone extending medially and inferiorly from the maxillary process. explore on sciencedirect opens in new tab/window complete...
To evaluate the trabecular pattern in a specific area, the practitioner should examine the trabecular distribution, size, and density and compare them throughout both jaws and especially with the corresponding region on the opposite side. This comparison frequently demonstrates that a particularly ...
Design: Using a series of tissue microarrays that contain 419 GIST and 63 gastrointestinal LMS with long term follow-up, we determined the density of the macrophages in each 0.6 mm tumor cores with the macrophage marker CD163 and examined its prognostic significance by Kaplan-Meier analysis. ...