Dr. Kellyann Petrucci is a certified nutritional consultant and Naturopathic Doctor. She coined the phraseBone Broth Dietand created the structured weight loss program around the term. The goal of the regimented plan is to shave off the fat and smooth out wrinkles, all while generally elevating...
Enjoy the benefits of bone broth and protein with Dr. Kellyann's Vanilla Powder. A tasty addition to shakes, smoothies, or recipes.
Discover the Bone Broth Diet by Dr. Kellyann. Achieve weight loss, glowing skin, and improved wellness with trusted products and expert advice.
Discover the Bone Broth Diet by Dr. Kellyann. Achieve weight loss, glowing skin, and improved wellness with trusted products and expert advice.
Kellyann Petrucci 出版时间 2016年12月 页数 256页 印数 无 副书名 Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth Cookbook 正文语种 27892 纸质 无 内文方式 无 作者地区 无 出版社名称 Rodale Books 装帧类型 精装 进口书分类 生活 语言 英文 图文详情 0 本店推荐 华研外语 2026考研英语一基础训练考研词汇单词阅读理解语法与...