第一步:配置网卡绑定之添加bonding内核模块参数# vi /etc/modprobe.d/bonding.conf在配置文件中加入以下参数alias bond0 bondingoptions bond0 miimon=100 mode=1说明:mode指虚拟网卡的工作模式,常用的有0,1两种。mode=0表示load balancing (round-robin)为负载均衡方式,两块 网卡 配置文件 alias 原创 小雄free...
> "set BONDING_OPTS '\"mode=${mode} miimon=${miimon}\"'", This looks good to me. The nested quotes in the middle are important, as they're inside included in the value. > When I try and set something like BONDING_OPTS="mode=0 miimon=100" I get > the following in Puppet > ....