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43色210D/3高强尼龙66邦迪线 4盎司1500码 Bonded Nylon Thread 宁波万脉纺织品有限公司 7年 回头率: 24% 浙江 宁波市海曙区 ¥103.00 尼龙66邦迪线 TEX70 BONDED NYLON 210D/3皮革缝纫线 V69 上海芸之初贸易发展有限公司 1年 回头率: 9.5% 上海市 ¥14.00 成交227个 20色420D/3高强力...
Bonded Nylon Thread的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT 关于绍兴永星特种线有限公司商铺首页 | 更多产品 | 联系方式 | 黄页介绍 主要经营:涤纶长丝缝纫线 ; 高强缝纫线 ; 内芯邦迪MBT线 ; 邦迪线 ; 皮革线 ; 鞋线 ; 特种工业用线 【比妮摩】【ビニモ】是日本永井撚糸株式会社拥有的品牌,是以『皮革』为对象,彻...
It is a resin bonded continuous filament Nylon 6.6 thread available in a variety of colors suitable for general stitching applications. For use in military backpack stitching, a special single pass in-line dye-bond process tec...
2006年通过宁波市“清洁生产企业”称号。企业注册资金3000万元,固定资产6000万元,年产N66邦迪线(NYLON66 BONDED THREAD)、N6邦迪线(NYLON6 BONDEDTHREAD)、高强涤纶线(H.T.POLYESTER THREAD)、尼龙线(NYLON THREAD)、涤纶长丝线(POLYESTER THREAD),高级针织纱线,混纺线,人造丝绣花线(RAYON)1800余吨。
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Unsurpassed in quality and performance for twin-needle and high-speed, multi-directional sewing, Coats Nymo is a single-ply, lightly bonded nylon thread which eliminates the risk of plied thread untwisting or fraying. Nymo is 20% finer than twisted threads of the equivalent size, allowing you ...
The synthesis principle and the types of high viscous Nylon via anionic polymerization are introduced in details, especially the research advance of monomer casting Nylon and reactive extrusion Nylon. 概述了阴离子聚合高粘度尼龙的优点,较详细地介绍了阴离子聚合高粘度尼龙的合成原理及种类,重点介绍了铸型尼...
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24Aug Mark LuBonded Thread What is the best thread for sewing leather 23Aug Mark LuBonded Thread How to choose bonded nylon thread 22Aug Mark LuBonded Thread bonded nylon or bonded polyester thread-Which is better