(2)Sinking Fund偿债基金 A sinking fund is a means of repaying funds borrowed through a bond ...
(2)Sinking Fund偿债基金 A sinking fund is a means of repaying funds borrowed through a bond ...
A sinking fund is an account managed by the bond trustee for early bond redemption. A call provision is an agreement which confers the option to a corporation to buy back a bond at a specific price prior to maturity. Protective covenants which limit certain acts that might be taken during ...
onthecapitaloftheissuingbody.Somebondsareconvertibleuponmaturityintothestockoftheissuingcompany.Onemethodusedtoretirebondsisthesinking fund; insuchacasetheissuingbodybuysbacksomeofitsbondseachyearandholdsthemitself,applyingtheinteresttothefund.Theentirebondissue,mostofwhichthefirmhasalreadyacquired,isthenretiredon...
Our first rule of trading—don’t lose money. Which is why cash is the first part of our swing trading formula: When we have no clear advantage,we sit on cash. We buy great dividend stocks and bond funds when the odds are overwhelmingly in our favor. ...
Itreferstotherateofreturnanticipatedonabondifitishelduntilmaturity.SimilartoaverageannualrateofreturnUseitasthediscountrate thatmakesthePVoffuturecashflowsequaltothePVofthebond 2020/3/21 PVofCashFlowsasRatesChange Valuationprinciple:PVofbond=PVoffuturecashflowsBondValue=PVofcoupons+PVofparBondValue=PVannuity...
may be surplus to requirements and can be sold. A business may desperately need to find some cash so it decides to stop offering certain products or services and because of that can sell some of its fixed assets. Hence, by selling fixed assets, business can use them as a source of ...
PaymentInKindBondIndicator A bond that pays interest or dividends in the form of more bonds of the same kind.Payment-in-kind bonds are frequently used in takeover financing in place of cash and are very speculative in nature. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Bond OptionalPaymentBondIndicator A bond...
To lessen its risk of being short on cash 10 years from now, the company may create a sinking fund, which is a pool of money set aside for repurchasing a portion of the existing bonds every year. By paying off a portion of its debt each year with the sinking fund, the company will...
Sinkable bonds are a very safe investment for the bond investor because they are backed by cash. However, their return is uncertain because it is dependant on the direction of bond prices in the market. Understanding the Sinkable Bond From the viewpoint of the corporations and municipalities th...