ChinaBond Composite Index tracking general performance of bond market went up today. The net price index excluding interest revenue rose by 0.0039%; and the total return index including interest reinvested revenue rose by 0.0128%. In addition, the Cap-weighted YTM was 3.0173%. And the Cap-weight...
The credit market seems attractive, especially for investment grade, where the risk/return ratio has improved significantly over the past year. Indeed, yields are around 4% in the Eurozone and 5.5% in the US[1] while the average duration risk has decreased in these markets. In terms of sect...
Further information about fluctuations of bond market yields please refer to the chart of Changes of The Key-Term YTM of Main Yield Curves. ▌Overseas market The US Sovereign Bonds market went mixed on December 20, 2023. To be more specific, the yield of US Treasury Yield Curve of 3M/3Y/...
After reviewing the unique characteristics of the Chinese bond market, the authors investigate the factors that determine the returns and risks of Chinese bonds. Bond returns are found to be highly predictable and the predictability is largely driven by various institutional characteristics and China's...
Cbonds Total Return and Price Indices - China Cbonds Bond Market Statistics - China Profile The People's Republic of China (PRC) is a county in Asia, bordered by 14 countries including Vietnam, Laos, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, Mongolia, North Korea and others. The total area of...
The G3 bond market in China contracted in 2023 with issuance size diminishing from US$81.7 billion in 2022 to US$46.4 billion in 2023 and the number of deals dropping from 358 to 161, according to the latest data from Dealogic. This downturn is largely attributable to the aggressive US Fed...
On the other hand, a January bond market seasonal may indicate that switching from bonds to equity in this month to take advantage of the stock seasonal will do no better than if the portfolio had been left intact. Clearly, seasonal movements in fixed-income securities can play a crucial ...
Bond Market vs. Stock Market Bonds represent debt financing, whilestocksare equity financing. Bonds are a form of credit where the bond issuer must repay the bond owner's principal plus additional interest. Stocks do not entitle the shareholder to any return of capital. ...
risk-return trade-offgovernment bond marketsgood volatilitybad volatilityp>We analyze the risk-return trade-off for international (France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, UK, and US) government bond markets and the US stock market. We measure risk by the higher order moments (volatility, skewness, ...
We document asymmetry in return and volatility spillover between equity and bond markets in Australia for daily returns during the period 1992–2006 using a bivariate GARCH modelling approach. Negative bond market returns spillover into lower stock market returns whereas good news originating in the ...