•Homolysisandheterolysisbothrequireenergy. 6 CurvedArrowSymbolism BondMakingandBondBreaking •Toillustratethemovementofasingleelectron,useahalf- headedcurvedarrow,sometimescalledafishhook. •Afullheadedcurvedarrowshowsthemovementofan electronpair.
By separating the R2N and H components into distinct high-energy reagents, the conventional hydroamination process can be altered to become a notably exothermic reaction, providing a substantial driving force. The rise of NiH catalysis has notably shifted the landscape of this field.48., 49., 50...
In an exothermic process: a. energy is transferred back and forth b. energy is released c. energy is absorbed d. energy is constant Calculate the amount of energy required or released in the formation reaction for 15 moles of gaseous HI. Express your...