Louie has a bust of Bon Jovi in his house.[1] His album, Christmas in the Stars, was among Comic Book Guy's Best Ever Favorite Albums.[2] Behind the Laughter[edit] Jon Bon Jovi turned down a part in the season 14 episode "Brake My Wife, Please", which became Jackson Browne's...
當喬恩·邦·喬維剪他的頭髮,他對CNN頭條。WikiMatrixWikiMatrix 关于作者 细节 There's somany examples I could have picked, and I selected this one of JonBon Jovi. 我有很多例子可以选择 但我想讲讲 Jon BonJovited2019ted2019 关于作者 细节 ...
WikiMatrixWikiMatrix The first of the twopalaces is in theVenetian Gothic style and was built in 1425 by GiovanniBon, one of Venice's master stonemasons. 两座宫殿中的第一座为威尼斯哥特式建筑风格,由威尼斯的石匠GiovanniBon建于1425年。LASER-wikipedia2LASER-wikipedia2...
Similarly, Bongiovi, the son of rock star Jon Bon Jovi, captioned his post, “Forever and always, your husband.”For the ceremony, Brown wore a custom gown designed by Galia Lahav – taking inspiration from Galia Lahav’s Anais gown.The dress showcased lace detail, which was paired with a...
And Sioux Falls is part of a 'big deal' in Bon Jovi's storied past. Hulu has dropped the four-part documentary, Thank you, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story, which chronicles all of the ups and downs for the Rock & Roll Hall of Famers, and in episode two ('Nowhere to Everywhere'), ...
WikiMatrix Or am I Charlize Theron in The Jon Bon Jovi Story? 或者Jon Bon Jovi 传里 的 查理 兹塞隆 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Also, while in elementary school, the glam metal band Bon Jovi was instrumental in forming his love of music. ”同样,在杰洛德小学时,华丽摇滚乐队Bon Jovi也对他...
Bon Jovi. [ Gasping ] Bon Jovi. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 A zenekar a párbajban Bon Jovi "Always" című dalát énekelte. The band sang "Always" by Bon Jovi. WikiMatrix Ne már, mindig is szeretted Bon Jovit. Come on, you know I've always liked bon jovi. OpenSubtitles2018....
In October 1994, Bon Jovi released a greatest hits album titled Cross Road, with two new tracks: "Always" and "Someday I'll Be Saturday Night". ב-1994 הוציאה הלהקה אלבום אוסף בשם "Cross Road" שהכיל ג...
Bon Jovi. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 The band sang "Always" by Bon Jovi. A zenekar a párbajban Bon Jovi "Always" című dalát énekelte. WikiMatrix Come on, you know I've always liked bon jovi. Ne már, mindig is szeretted Bon Jovit. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 The guy's so old...