French English Dictionary - bon/bonnein English: 1. good Good for you. It's a good idea to study the language and culture of the country you're going to visit. This is a sentence, that has the syllable count, of a good haiku. ...
Related to Bon bon:bon ton bon·bon (bŏn′bŏn′) n. A candy that often has a center of fondant, fruit, or nuts and is coated with chocolate or fondant. [French, reduplication ofbon,good, from Latinbonus; seedeu-inIndo-European roots.] ...
[Bon appetit, dig in, etc.] - English Only forum You have earned your keep today, mon ami, and as for them? Bon appétit! - English Only forum 访问Chinese 论坛。帮助WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看"...
【题目】完形填空"C'est si bon in French, or It's So Good in English, is one of Eartha Kitt's first hit songs. She _1_ it in the early 1950s after performing it in a Broadway _2_. But EarthaKitt's_ 3_ was not always so good. She hada very _4_ childhood, although ...
On est toujours trop bon avec les femmes: Directed by Michel Boisrond. With Elisabeth Wiener, Jean-Pierre Marielle, Roger Carel, Claude Brosset. This French farce/drama takes place in Ireland in 1916, during one of the peak periods of revolutionary viole
猜翻译 良好 成功率 : 53% 频率 : 869 décision d'assurance partout bon augmente 跳过这个问题
日,一名为非政府组织“LeBonSamaritain”工作的人权捍 卫者在北基伍省贝尼镇附近被身穿军装的武装分子杀害。 Haitians often refer to Brazilian troops as“bonbagay”, the Creole expression for good people. ...
Non-PRO French to English Other translate in english Proposed translations (English) 5 +6 Enjoy Your Meal Maria Luisa Duarte 5 +11 enjoy your lunch/dinner RHELLER 5 +9 Bon appétit! Pierre POUSSIN 3 +4 Enjoy! Maria Eugenia Farre 5 +1 Tuck in! Bourth (X) 3 +2 --...
alsobon vivant, "jovial companion, one fond of good living," 1690s, French (seebon); the fem. isbonne vivante. boon(adj.) inboon companion"convivial friend, close intimate" (1560s), the only real survival of Middle Englishboon"good" (early 14c.), from Old Frenchbon(seebon), from ...
“C'est si bon in French, or It's So Good in English, is one of Eartha Kitt's first hit songs. She 1 it in the early 1950s after performing it in a Broadway 2 . But Eartha Kitt's 3 was not always so good. She had a very 4 childhood, although information about her early h...