作曲: Max Martin/Shellback/Oscar Holter/Katy Perry/Quavious Marshall/Kiari Cephus/Kirshnick Ball/Ferras Ay Yeah Katy Perry Migos 'Cause I'm all that you want boy All that you can have boy Got me spread like a buffet Bon a Bon appétit baby Appetite for seduction Fresh out the oven Melt...
Appetite for seduction Fresh out the oven Melt in your mouth kind of lovin' Bon a Bon appétit Bon a Bon appétit Under candle light light candle light We can wine and dine If you take your time Take your take your time Eat with your hands fine I'm on the menu Under...
Appetite for seduction Fresh out the oven Melt in your mouth kind of lovin' Bon a Bon appétit baby I'm the one they say can change your life No waterfall she drippin' wet you like my ice Blast She say she want a Migo night
Katy Perry, Migos 'Cause I'm all that you want boy男孩 我是你朝思暮想的一切 All that you can have boy这一切你都可以拥有 Got me spread like a buffet像吃自助餐般肆意享用我吧 Bon a Bon appétit baby祝你胃口大开 亲爱的 Appetite for seduction对这有鱼水之欢的兴致 Fresh out the oven从...
Appetite for seduction 这胃口大开的美味 诱惑流露 Fresh out the oven 芳香满屋 新鲜出炉 Melt in your mouth kind of lovin' 入口即化 爱意即刻流出 Bon appétit, baby 祝你胃口棒棒哟 Looks like you've been starving 你饥饿的样子已经无处可藏 You've got those hungry eyes 两眼汪汪 饿意茫茫 You co...
Bon Appetit是由美国流行女歌手Katy Perry和美国新晋嘻哈三人组Migos合作演唱的歌曲。该单曲作为Katy Perry个人第四张录音室专辑《Witness》的宣传单曲(原定为第二支单曲),于2017年4月28日发行。官方音乐录像带于2017年5月12日通过Youtube/Vevo账号发行,24小时内观看量破16,000,000。
Appetite forseduction 欲望涌动 Fresh out theoven 新鲜出炉 Melt in yourmouth kind of lovin' 在你口中融化 Bon appétit,baby 用餐愉快 宝贝 Looks likeyou've been starving 你看上去早已饥肠辘辘 You've gotthose hungry eyes 两眼满是饥饿的目光
作曲: Max Martin/Shellback,/Oscar Holter/Katy Perry/Quavious Marshall/Kiari Cephus/Kirsnick Ball/FerrasAyYeahKaty PerryMigos'Cause I'm all that you want boyAll that you can have boyGot me spread like a buffetBon a Bon appétit babyAppetite for seductionFresh out the ovenMelt in your mouth...
Appetite for seduction 对这诱惑充满欲望 Fresh out the oven 新鲜出炉自那烤箱 Melt in your mouth kind of lovin' 让这爱融化在你口中 Bon appétit, baby 祝你有个好胃口 Looks like you've been starving 看来你早已饿坏 You've got those h...
Katy perry已经发行两年的歌曲《Bon appetite》油管播放量炸尸,是今日Youtube播放量第二高的视频,仅次于Taylor Swift的《ME》! û收藏 12 27 ñ113 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...Billboard中国 · 音乐推广大使 Ü 简介: Hell is other ...