Discover the perfectly balanced flavour of Bombay Sapphire. Vapour infused with 10 hand-selected botanicals for a bright, fresh taste. Perfect for mixing cocktails.
Discover the perfectly balanced flavour of Bombay Sapphire. Vapour infused with 10 hand-selected botanicals for a bright, fresh taste. Perfect for mixing cocktails.
Discover the perfectly balanced flavour of Bombay Sapphire. Vapour infused with 10 hand-selected botanicals for a bright, fresh taste. Perfect for mixing cocktails.
Discover the perfectly balanced flavour of Bombay Sapphire. Vapour infused with 10 hand-selected botanicals for a bright, fresh taste. Perfect for mixing cocktails.
Discover the perfectly balanced flavour of Bombay Sapphire. Vapour infused with 10 hand-selected botanicals for a bright, fresh taste. Perfect for mixing cocktails.
Discover the perfectly balanced flavour of Bombay Sapphire. Vapour infused with 10 hand-selected botanicals for a bright, fresh taste. Perfect for mixing cocktails.
You can now enjoy the world’s number one premium gin as a high quality canned Gin & Tonic, It combines our signature vapour-infused London Dry Gin with the perfect balance of tonic water, for a superior taste experience.
Bombay Sapphire London Dry Gin, England 年份全部年份 1994 NV 国内市场参考价:¥218 (NV年份) 产区 英国 酒款综述 这是一款来自英国的蒸馏酒 红酒世界APP 红酒知识大全,拍酒标查红酒 下载 猜你喜欢 跨境2016年皮欧酒园巴罗洛红葡萄酒 意大利 » 皮埃蒙特|佩欧酒庄 内比奥罗 【RP 95分】【JS 95分】...
Bombay Sapphire London Dry Gin 产地:英国 / 度数:40%vol 特有的工艺 孟买蓝宝石金酒被全球认为优质高档的金酒,与仅仅用4-5种植物浸泡而成的普通金酒相比较,孟买蓝宝石金酒将酒蒸馏汽化,通过10种世界各地采集而来的植物精酿而成. 特有的口感 如此特有的工艺,赋予了孟买蓝宝石金酒与众不同的口感,酒体顺滑、花香...
洋酒英国原瓶进口BombaySapphireDryGin孟买蓝宝石杜松子金酒 洋酒英国原瓶进口BombaySapphire Dry Gin孟买蓝宝石杜松子干金酒 风格: 洋酒 英国 原瓶 进口 BombaySapphire DRY GIN 孟买 蓝宝石 杜松子