GinMule Bombay Sapphire served over cubed ice in a traditional ‘copper mule mug’ – charged with spicy ginger beer and finished with freshly squeezed lime – adding balance to the serve. view cocktail Bramble& Tonic Light, bright and uplifting – expressing the true nature of Bombay Bramble ...
Only the worlds finest hand picked botanicals are used in our world famous Bombay Sapphire gin. Every drop is fresh, clean and bright in flavour.
Bombay Sapphire London Dry Gin 产地:英国 / 度数:40%vol 特有的工艺 孟买蓝宝石金酒被全球认为优质高档的金酒,与仅仅用4-5种植物浸泡而成的普通金酒相比较,孟买蓝宝石金酒将酒蒸馏汽化,通过10种世界各地采集而来的植物精酿而成. 特有的口感 如此特有的工艺,赋予了孟买蓝宝石金酒与众不同的口感,酒体顺滑、花香...
Bombay Sapphire Gin孟买蓝宝石干金酒ABV酒精度:47%VOLOrigin产地
孟买蓝宝石金酒(Bombay Sapphire Gin) 盲源分离| 孟买蓝宝石: 内格罗尼(BSS | Bombay Sapphire: Negroni) 孟买蓝宝石 Bombay Sapphire - 金酒 - 体验篇 托马斯·希瑟维克孟买蓝宝石金酒厂(Thomas Heatherwicks gin distillery for Bombay Sapphire) 孟买蓝宝石 创意短片 孟买蓝宝石酒短片游戏的另一面 产品...
Bombay蓝宝石金酒(Bombay Sapphire Gin) 孟买蓝宝石(Bombay Blue Sapphire) 孟买蓝宝石戒指(Bombay Sapphire Ring) 孟买电影业(Bombay Film Industry) 孟买蓝宝石公司(Bombay Sapphire Company) 词根词缀及记忆方法:“Bombay”是一个专有名词,没有固定的词根和词缀。但可以通过其发音和拼写特点进行记忆,如上述助记技巧...
creativity, building on Bombay Sapphire’s ongoing ‘Stir Creativity’ platform. As a joint mission of both Bombay Sapphire and theBasquiat Estate, this collaboration is a showcase of making the art world more accessible to all who have a passion for self-expression, and great tasti...
波士蓝橙力娇酒BOLS's Blue Curacao宝狮蓝柑酒蓝橘蓝香橙700ml ¥62.8 哥顿金酒GORDON'S格顿毡酒伦敦干金酒750ml歌顿金40-43度金汤力酒 ¥51.8 红方红牌威士忌烈酒虹方苏格兰进口洋酒Red Label行货700ml ¥82.8 必富达金酒BEEFEATER GIN必发达伦敦干金毡酒将军金杜松子酒700ml ¥77.8 百加得白朗姆酒500ml Ba...
Every one of their ten precious botanicals are chosen to bring their own special something to our gin. Uniquely distilled, they come together to give Bombay Sapphire its tantalising, smooth and complex taste. Tasting Notes :Bombay Sapphire opens with a touch of juniper, a ripe citrus and ...
包邮进口洋酒 孟买蓝宝石金酒 BOMBAY SAPPHIRE GIN杜松子750ml 包邮原味伏特加 200ml小洋酒小酒伴 包邮便利店调酒迷你小酒版白朗姆百利甜伏特加威士忌野格50ml洋酒 上海雨醇贸易有限公司第9年上海市松江区 主营产品:进口葡萄酒进口洋酒进口啤酒 公司简介:上海雨醇贸易有限公司前身为上海市松江区竹湘食品经营部,本公司是...