1.a bomb containing a clock or timer that can be set to explode at a certain time. 2.a situation that may have disastrous consequences at any time in the near future. [1890–95] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991...
We've used all of the productivity timers out there and it is way too easy to just ignore them after your timer expires. I'm sure you have been there before, snoozing the alert and continuing to use your computer for another hour. You can override TimeBomb if you really need to. ...
PauseTimer-connectiq Pause Timer for Garmin Connect IQ 2018‑12‑30 PBike Configurable Garmin FR645M datafield 2018‑12‑23 ⭐1 PRun Configurable Garmin FR645M datafield 2018‑12‑23 ⭐1 garmin-eta Simple data field for Garmin Connect IQ devices to show ETA (Estimated Time of...
He was able to construct a liquid bomb on a flight and set it with a timer from a modified Casio watch. He was able to go the the lavatory on the jet, construct the bomb, put it back in his small travel bag. He then went back to a seat above what he thought was the position ...
if (MessageBox.Show("Your Bomb Will Activate At : " + BackEnd.hour + " : " + BackEnd.minutes + " GMT .\n Do You Want To Proceed ?", "Confirmation Report ", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.OK) { // If You Pressed Ok // Start Timer tim...
So when presented with a cartoonesque movie version – sticks of something with wires and a large timer – they instantly assume the worse. Pete Hillier•June 17, 2009 8:37 AM This is a social commentary project, disguised as an art project to protect the participants, nothing more. They...
They are used by being attached to walls, hulls or bulkheads and have an integral timer that can be set for one hour.[2] Related Article Space Marine Equipment (List) Sources 1: Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader, pg. 92 2: Deathwatch: Rites of Battle, pg. 137 3: Warhammer 40,000 ...
Picture the scene: an explosive device, exposed wires and a countdown timer ticking down to zero. This is not just the stuff of Hollywood movies, it is reality for an elite team of US armed forces engineers known as the United States Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal. ...
You imagine, with a six-hour timer we could be over to London and back. Just tick tick tick tick ... gone. Leave it anywhere." Lithuania's chief prosecutor of organised crime, Irmantas Mikelionis, said: "The information we have proves that the explosives could have been used for ...
首先,编写计时器程序,也就是继承于SPJobDefinition的类,我写的叫做EventCheckTimer。 其次,编写部署这个计时器所需要的安装器,也就是继承SPFeatureReceiver的类,我这里叫做EventCheckTimerInstaller 然后就很清楚了,使用这个Installer将EventCheckTimer部署到服务器上,部署的方式,是将feature.xml、mainifest.xml、强命名密钥...