Define Bomb-sniffing dog. Bomb-sniffing dog synonyms, Bomb-sniffing dog pronunciation, Bomb-sniffing dog translation, English dictionary definition of Bomb-sniffing dog. n. 1. A dog trained to aid the police, as in tracking criminals or detecting control
There are reports around about how making “drug sniffing dogs” also do general “K9” dog work destroys their ability to do either duty. Thus makes them effectively usless, as well as raising other issues[1]… Before the costly law suit issues the use of potentially dangerous animals alway...
“Good dog,” says Roberts, the “good” a full octave higher than the “dog” in an exaggerated singsong, before reaching into a pouch on his belt for the kibble that is the working dog’s wage. It sounds pretty silly, and new trainers often have a hard time bringing themselves to t...
that led to a $2 million grant from darpa, with the office of naval research kicking in another million. but by far the biggest benefactor to medford's research is the defense threat reduction agency, which last year gave her a $7.9 million grant to get the bomb-sniffing ferns from the...