A bill of material (BOM) describes the different components that together create a product. For example- A computer is a product. It is a combination of CPU, Keyboard, Monitor, Mouse etc. The bill of material contains the item number of each component, quantity required in the manufacture o...
SAP BOM详细解析 --BOM BOM(Bill of Material) 叫做物料清单,也叫产品结构表、物料表等。 将产品的原材料、零配件、组合件予以拆解,并将各单项物料按物料代码、品名、规格、单位用量、损耗等依制造流程的顺序记录下来,排列为一个清单,这就是物料清单,也就是BOM。 BOM (1) MRP的基础。 (2...
"需要展BOM的料号 SELECT matnr beskz sobsl INTO TABLE lt_mat FROM marc WHERE werks = p_werks AND lvorm = '' AND matnr IN s_matnr. "需要展BOM的料号的BOM单头 SELECT mast~matnr mast~stlan mast~stlal stko~bmeng INTO TABLE gt_stko FROM mast INNER JOIN stko ON mast~stlnr = stko~st...
01 物料清单(BOM)的定义 物料清单(Bill of Material,缩写BOM)是在产品开发和制造过程中创建任何有形产品的结构化清单。 BOM的应用对象是有形的商品,包括了前期的产品开发过程和大批量生产的制造过程。这2个阶段对应的就是工程BOM和制造BOM,它们的区别在后面的内容中会详细介绍。 BOM是一份全面的清单,对制造成品...
Table Type : TRANSPPackage : IB_CRM_INTModule : CRM-MD-INB LSOLHACCOMEQUIPTTable for Text Table for Accommodation EquipmentTable Type : TRANSPPackage : LSO_TM_NDModule : PE-LSO-TM TE9XX1Table for Help Table for Specifying Material/Equipment Ref.Table Type : TRANSPPackage : EE10Module ...
mmeinLIKE stb-meins,"Base Unit quanTYPE pDECIMALS4,"QUANTITY datuvLIKE stb-datuv, bmengLIKE stko-bmeng, alpgrLIKE stpo-alpgr, aennrLIKE stb-aennr, stlknLIKE stb-stlkn, mtartLIKE mara-mtart,"Material Type nfmatLIKE marc-nfmat, ...
Additionally, part of the SAP Analytics Cloud Story is, a second table below based on the BOM_PARAMETER planning model. Now it is possible for the business user to change percentage price developments of raw material classes over the timeline. And with the execution of the Da...
Bill of Material (BOM) To do a requirements explosion for a configured material, you must maintain the data in the material master record and link a BOM to the configured material. If the material of the material variant is the same as the configurable material, the link is already there...
BOM(bill of material)是PP模块的重要基础数据,也是财务估算产品标准成本的依据。从结构上看,分为单层BOM和多层BOM,本文介绍在SAP中如何查看产品BOM。 BOM查看路径如下, CS03初始界面如下, BOM用途:即BOM在哪里使用,分为生产BOM、销售BOM、设计BOM、维护BOM等,“1”表示查看生产BOM。
Component/Version (see Component) Assembly Operation Ref Des (see Reference Designator) Assy Qty Kit (see Kit) For more information, see Creating BOMs. See also: BOM Table and BOM Component TablesIntegration If you use the SAPMEINT component, see Transfer of Bill of Material (BOM).More...