BOM定义为Browser Object Model包括window document frames history location navigator screen等对象,而BOM的hierarchy的顶层是window视窗,DOM的hierarchy的顶层是document文档,这样看BOM就包含DOM了(DOM本身就是对客户端文档的控制方法,只不过它被标准化了)! BOM还有其它的一些叫法,比如javascript对象(JavaScript Object Model...
The Browser Object Model creates atree-like hierarchy of objects, many of which provide properties and methods. The browser itself is represented by one object, called thewindow object. The window object is the parent of several child objects: document frames history location navigator screen self/...
DOM -> Document Object Model in JavaScript is the API to access the elements inside the document. It maps the entire Document into an hierarchy of parent and child tree. Each node can hold number of children element or can inherit to other parent element in some or the other way. BOM -...
Hierarchy BomComparisonParameters Properties bomValidityDatePrimary bomValidityDatePrimary:Moment Defined in packages/vdm/bill-of-material-comparison-service/function-imports.ts:45 Time Stamp. bomValidityDateSecondary bomValidityDateSecondary:Moment Defined in pac...
SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript / TypeScript - v1.26.0 vdm-op/bill-of-material-v2-service MaterialBom Class MaterialBomThis class represents the entity "MaterialBOM" of service "API_BILL_OF_MATERIAL_SRV". Hierarchy EntityV2 MaterialBom Implements MaterialBomType Ind...
The maintenance status records: Which user departments may maintain a material master record of a particular material typeWhich user departments have already maintained the material master record at a particular hierarchy levelThe overall maintenance status is made ...
This class represents the entity "A_LongestPathInBOM" of service "cds_api_buffersizing_srv". Hierarchy EntityV2 LongestPathInBom Implements LongestPathInBomType Constructors constructor newLongestPathInBom():LongestPathInBom Inherited from EntityV2.constructor ...
Hierarchy ExplodeBomParameters Properties billOfMaterial billOfMaterial:string Defined in packages/vdm-op/bill-of-material-v2-service/function-imports.ts:143 Bill Of Material. billOfMaterialCategory billOfMaterialCategory:string Defined in packages/vdm-op/bill-of-material-v2-s...
Hierarchy EntityV2 ChangeRecordReferenceBom Implements ChangeRecordReferenceBomType Constructors constructor newChangeRecordReferenceBom():ChangeRecordReferenceBom Inherited from EntityV2.constructor Defined in node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/odata-common/entity.d.ts:53 ...