We implement a general numerical calculation that allows for a direct comparison between nonlinear Hamiltonian dynamics and the Boltzmann-Gibbs canonical distribution in Gibbs Γ-space. Using paradigmatic first-neighbor models, namely, the inertialXY fer
突然一个新理论,你不知道是哪里出来的。 比如Gibbs抽样,gibbs分布。当然bayesian分布就在统计学中大行其道了。学习是一个建构的过程,也就是凭借自己的知识储备对未知的理论进行理解。那不可避免望文生义。 能量函数,测度,还能望文生义好,来一个受限boltzmann机,简记做RBM,你知道是什么鬼东西吗?我特别讨厌简写,因...
The main objective of this paper is to give a rigorous proof of this result and show that the convergence to the exponential distribution is universal in the sense that it holds more generally when the economic agents are located on the vertices of a connected graph and interact locally with ...
In order to find the general form, the so-called Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution, of the density operators, or the densities in phase, describing these states, we shall use a postulate of a statistical nature which is similar to the criteria used in statistics to find the unbiased probability ...
Ao, P (2007) Boltzmann–Gibbs distribution of fortune and broken time reversible symmetry in econodynamics. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simul 12: pp. 619-626Ao, P., 2007, "Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution of fortune and broken time reversible symmetry in econodynamics," Com- mun. Nonlinear Sci. ...
摘要: Alternating Gibbs sampling is a modification of classical Gibbs sampling where several variables are simultaneously sampled from their joint conditional distribution. In this work, we investigate the mixing rate of alternating Gibbs sampling with a particular emphasis on Restricted Boltzmann Machines ...
I. Fukuda & H. Nakamura (2004). Efficiency in the generation of the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution by the Tsallis dynamics reweighting method, J. Phys. Chem. B 108: 4162-4170.Fukuda I and Nakamura H 2004 Efficiency in the generation of the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution by the Tsallis dynamics ...
Boltzmann--Gibbs distribution of fortune and broken time reversible symmetry in econodynamicsPing AoAmerican Physical Society
The system is also over-heated and cooled down to its final temperature. The performances of different cooling schedules are analyzed as functions of total simulation time.doi:10.48550/arXiv.1007.0995Molei TaoHouman OwhadiJerrold E. MarsdenPhysics...
Using paradigmatic\nfirst-neighbor models, namely, the inertial XY ferromagnet and the\nFermi-Pasta-Ulam $\\beta$-model, we show that at intermediate energies the\nBoltzmann-Gibbs equilibrium distribution is a consequence of Newton second law\n(${\\mathbf F}=m{\\mathbf a}$). At higher ...