Receiver for a rifle bolt action and process of manufacture of the sameWILLIAM BATTERMAN RUGER
Available in a dizzying array of calibers and options, the new Shaw Mark X bolt-action rifle is built to impress.
The Browning X Bolt is a bolt action patterned rifle that is available in a wide variety of setups. With barrel lengths between 20 and 26 inches, different calibers, and different stocks, the varieties are seemingly endless. The action is, however, always built with the same precision trigge...
You can find the bolt carrier group in any semi-automatic rifle or pistol. It acts as the primary action mechanism of a firearm. It also houses the bolt and resets your firearms hammer. The bolt carrier group is an indispensable part of your AR-15. Located in the upper receiver, it’s...
point to place wherever you wish. It also and makes use of the rifle/carbine’s existing barrel nut, making for a slightly simpler installation. Both the Bravo company and MI handguards have an internal diameter of 1.3” and an external diameter of 1.5” from flat surface to flat surface....
Bolt-action rifle receiverdoi:USD503959 S1Wardle, Darran LUS
Method of Manufacturing a receiver for a Bolt Action rifle.Consists of: a) forming a blank Piece Of Metal, receiver (12) that has a rear portion (24) with an Opening bedroom next to it; and (b) passing of brush Elements (35, 36) According to a plane perpendicular to the Axis of ...
Hurley Gerald IUSUS3191331 * 1962年10月25日 1965年6月29日 Groves, Dufford, Nelson & Spiecker Rifle bolt and sleeve for a receiver having an oval boreUS3191331 * 1962年10月25日 1965年6月29日 Groves Dufford Nelson & Spieck Rifle bolt and sleeve for a receiver having an oval bore...
Hurley Gerald IUS3191331 * 1962年10月25日 1965年6月29日 Groves, Dufford, Nelson & Spiecker Rifle bolt and sleeve for a receiver having an oval boreUS3191331 * 1962年10月25日 1965年6月29日 Groves Dufford Nelson & Spieck Rifle bolt and sleeve for a receiver having an oval bore...
An improved action for a bolt action rifle. The action includes a receiver\ncontaining a bolt; the bolt having two to three locking lugs surrounding a\nbolt face; and a\nthreaded insert that joins the rifle barrel to the receiver. The insert also\nincludes a series of\nlocking lugs that...