BA簡報 1000p..Bolt Action 18-05-2018 FA Soviet vs German 1000points 巴巴羅薩作戰part2Poon兄上次認為失敗 是因為要 對付坦克車兵團所引致 所以強烈
BA簡報 1000p..Bolt Action 15-10-2018 FA German vs Soviet 1000points 1939-1941 Early war今日上映Poon兄王子復...仇...記?(ver.2
BA簡報 2000p..Bolt Action 14-04-2018 China German vs British and Soviet 2000 vs 1000+1000這是一個盟軍虛構合作的作品... 兔子德國軍隊究竟
BA簡報 1000p..German vs Soviet 1000points 1941-1942 Early WarPoon兄說 他用蘇聯是很有愛的! 那我就抱著虛心的態度 弄了一份很有愛的German軍表來對他(笑) 怎
BA簡報 1000p..Bolt Action 12-05-2018 FA Soviet vs German 1000points early warPoon兄的德軍終於完成1000分了 他即刻約我去對戰打仗 我當然全力以赴
Surgeon Rifles offers plenty of custom options in a wide variety of long-reaching calibers at varying price points, but the Scalpel is a cut above the rest. Chambered in .308 Win., the Scalpel is available in long- or short-action, both models sporting a Krieger barrel on a McMillan sto...
BA簡報 750x2..Bolt Action 15-06-2017 YM Soviet (750x2 points) Vs Axis Italy(750x2 points)今日我與Poon兄聯盟 對付Evan Austi
Players must use a 1,000 points force, consisting of one or more Reinforced Platoons, as presented in the Bolt Action rulebook (page 124). Armies can comprise of a maximum of 13 Order dice (i.e. 13 units). These forces must be selected using one of the following army lists: - The ...
BA簡報 1000p..Soviet Vs Japan又是與Poon兄 相愛相殺的情節...lol今次任務很簡單 蘇聯防守 日本就要逃到蘇聯那邊脱出...Poon兄的蘇聯表 總共有16粒order dices我自己的日本
I already have a spreadsheet for a US Bolt Action list where i have entered the cost of irregular, regular and veteran troops and additional weapon choices etc so i can total the points cost. I adapted this sheet to accept the same type of list building for the Japanese. Several tweaks ...