bokashi at home Stage 3 In winter I walk to the back of the yard when the second bucket’s ingredients has basically turned to mush, and empty into the compost bin. However, if it’s gardening weather I’ll just bury the bucket contents straight into the ground. I must say, in the ...
The process is fairly simple. Put your food scraps in the pail and sprinkle some bokashi bran on top. Squish it down tight to get the air out. Close the lid. Each time you have more scraps, add them to the pail, add bran, and squish. After a few days, liquid starts to form in ...
Ingredients: To activate EM you will need (per liter): 1 part EM mother culture (40ml) 1 part molasses (40ml) 20 parts water (800ml) * A clean plastic container with lid (approximately the same volume as the recipe being made) ** * We recommend using dechlorinated water as chlorine c...
(T1: from 45 to 65 kg body weight; T2: 65 kg until the end of the fattening period) were collected immediately after the mixing of ingredients from the probiotic-supplemented and the control group for microbiological analyses. During the test, two samples were taken every two weeks from ...