取出以后的厨余再和土混合在一起可以用一些已经干了的没有任何营养了的土然后让它滋润你的土1个月后就可以用这些土种菜啦也可以在你种菜前把这些发酵好的厨余埋在你的菜地里花池子里它就是你的有机肥啦 自制厨余堆肥桶(bokashibin) 家里最多的垃圾就是厨余,我准备把它们变废为宝,边做边学、摸着石头过河吧...
取出以后的厨余再和土混合在一起,可以用一些已经干了的,没有任何营养了的土,然后让它滋润你的土,1个月后,就可以用这些土种菜啦~~~也可以在你种菜前把这些发酵好的厨余埋在你的菜地里、花池子里,它就是你的有机肥啦~~~ BOKASHIBIN里可以放什么呢? 骨头、厨余、奶制品、蛋壳、肉、鱼、水果皮、蔬菜皮、茶...
You won't find this caliber of bokashi bin anywhere else. It’s the quality and attention to the manufacturing process that sets our bins apart. No more splitting lids, cracking bins or failing spigot. And nothing we produce or sell is made in China. These authentic bins are made of a ...
What food scraps can I use in a Bokashi bin?Here is a list of foods that are allowed in Bokashi buckets:Almost anything that comes out of your refrigerator: all vegetable and fruits Raw or cooked meat scraps (including fish, red meat, chicken) Bones Dairy products (cheese, yogurt, eggs,...
Bokashi bin与发酵和有机食品废物。可降解的剩饭剩菜放在堆肥容器里 厨师把剩饭剩菜扔进垃圾桶做堆肥。女性在家中回收可堆肥的有机废物 一名妇女将可堆肥的剩菜剩菜扔进一个发酵箱。女性在堆肥容器中回收有机废物。 一名妇女剥下一根黄瓜,然后在家里的堆肥箱里回收皮 家庭主妇在堆肥箱中回收有机食物垃圾。一名女性...
The key to making them work is to have LAB present at the start of the process. In bokashi, LAB is added, but in the other two methods they are not. This begs the question, do you really need to add them for bokashi? Somelimited research indicates EM does not need to be added. ...
Real Benefits of Bokashi Bokashi Composting—What is it? FromBokashicomposting.comwe have the following description; “Bokashi composting is a safe, convenient, and quick way to compost food waste in your kitchen, garage, or apartment.”
About once a day or every two days, add a small sprinkle of bokashi bran, about 1 tablespoon per inch of food waste. Open the bin only to add scraps, not to check on the state of the fermentation. If you add fluffy scraps, press them down to remove the air or put a plate or ...
5L Household Kitchen Waste Bins Bathroom Pedal Bin Stainless Steel Trash Can $10.59 - $12.12 Min. order: 500 pieces Wholesale 7 Litre Hot Plastic Kitchen Compost With Filter Recycling Food Waste Bin For Countertop $2.19 - $2.46 Min. order: 500 pieces ...
Good point Ben. “Soil factory” was coined (by Jenny Harlen, Bokashiworld) to contrast with simply digging into target soil. The “factory” is a separate patch/bin/whatever from which regenerated soil is moved where and when needed. ...