Treatment. In most cases a single boil is not serious and will respond to incision and drainage. Systemic antibiotics are also sometimes indicated. Although complications are rare, a boil on or above the upper lip, on the nose or scalp, or in the outer ear can be serious because in these...
Whether its low water pressure because of a water main break or no power at a water treatment or pumping station, we're hearing more and more about boil water before consumption notices. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has regulations when it comes to public water supply ...
I have had boils off and on for years. I currently have one on my inner right thigh, close to my panty line. I am currently using PRID, which is an over the counter drawing salve that you can get at Wal Mart. I am also putting a potato on it as well and bandage. I have had...
The lesions will eventually go away on their own and would not affect a soldier's ability to serve. Even so, the military thought it was important that soldiers with bad cases be flown out of Iraq for treatment so they wouldn't be disfigured. "For most soldiers, it isn't a war stoppe...
Lancing by your doctor is always a much safer alternative to popping the boil at home yourself. In some cases, large, deep skin infections that can't be completely drained by lancing may be packed with sterile gauze to help soak up additional pus. Depending on the size of the boil, ...