An analysis of an asymptotic equation equivalent to the Bohr–Sommerfeld quantization rule is given. As a result, a simple and explicit approximation for the energies of weakly-bound states of this particle has been obtained.doi:10.1134/S1063779620040590Pupyshev, V. V....
The Bohr-Sommerfeld Quantization Rule and Charge Quantization in Field Theory[J].Physics Letters B 1976,64(01).Ventura l;Marques G C.The Bohr-Sommerfeld Quantization Rule and Charge Quantization in Field Theory.Physics Letters B.1976Ivan Ventura and Gil C. Marques. The Bohr-Sommerfeld ...
We combine, within the Bohr Sommerfeld quantization rule, a systematic perturbation with asymptotic analysis of the action integral for potentials which support a finite number of bound states with E < 0 to obtain an interpolation formula for the energy eigenvalues. We find interpolation formulae ...
Bohr–Sommerfeld quantization ruleWKB approximationradial potentialsFollowing our previous study of the Bohr–Sommerfeld (BS) quantization condition for one-dimensional case [J. C. del Valle and A. V. Turbiner, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 36, 2150221 (2021)], we extend it to d-dimensional power...
We use the Bohr Sommerfeld quantization rule along with a perturbative\nevaluation of the action intergral to find exact energy levels for the\nP\"oschl-Teller potential (both hyperbolic and trigonometric forms), the Morse\npotential, and the Rosen Morse potential. Combining perturbation theory ...
It is known that, near an energy level where the square of the potential makes a simple well, the eigenvalues are approximated by a Bohr–Sommerfeld type quantization rule. A remarkable difference from the Schrdinger case appears in the Maslov correction term. This fact was recently found by ...
The exact Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization ruledoi:10.1515/rose.1997.5.2.197RodolfoL.MONACOWaldyrA.Jr.RODRIGUESDe GruyterRandom Operators & Stochastic Equations
An analog of the Bohr–Sommerfeld quantization rule for geometric graphs. Description of Kernels of the laplace operatorChernyshevV. L.JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES -NEW YORK-
Bohr Sommerfeld quantisation and molecular potentialsdoi:10.1007/s10910-011-9926-0We combine, within the Bohr Sommerfeld quantization rule, a systematic perturbation with asymptotic analysis of the action integral for potentials which support a finite number of bound states with E V=V0 [ ( \\...
Chen, D.Y., Zeng, X.X.: The Schwarzschild black hole’s remnant via the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule. Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 45 , 631 (2013)CHEN D,ZENG X X.The Schwarzschild Black Hole’’s Remnant via the Bohr-Sommerfeld Quantization Rule.General Relativity and Gravitation. 2013...