So I was looking for an opportunity to show pluralists differently when I unexpectedly noticed that a wealthy liberal lawyer I was about to interview in late 1970 about campaign finance -- you know, the kind of stuff I should be studying -- had the membership lists for the Bohemian Club a...
The San FranciscoBohemianClubwas formed in 1872 as a gathering place for newspaper...With a historically all white membership, theBohemianClubbecame... Ruling_Elites/SF_Bohemian_Club.html - :: Libertythink :: Encouraging Cognitive Liberty in an Age of... ...
you know. There was lots of literature going on; art and painting, just very bohemian. Creative. It was just a great city where you could work hard in the studio and then go out and club. It was the first time I had been to a city where you could go to a club from...
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