大小写变形:Bogus 实用场景例句 全部 假冒的 伪造的 abogusdoctor/contract 冒牌医生;伪造的合同 牛津词典 bogusclaims of injury by workers 工人们虚报受伤情况索赔 牛津词典 ...theirbogusinsurance claim... 他们伪造的保险索赔 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He said these figures werebogusand totally inaccurate. ...
The new regime came in two weeks ago and is intended to end a scam in which thousands of foreigners enrolled at bogus colleges to work here. 两个星期前启动的新机制,终止了成千上万的外国人以假留学方式到英国来劳务。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Over the years, Mr Sata has garnered a reputation...
1、boguscertificate [经] 伪造的证件 2、boguscommon subexpression [计] 假公共子表达式 3、bogusdividend [经] 动用资本分股利, 伪造的分红 4、bogusfolio [计] 假页号 5、bogusgovernment [法] 伪政府 6、boguskraft paper [机] 仿包皮纸, 仿牛皮纸 ...
bogus英 [’bəʊɡəs] 美 [’boʊɡəs]adj.假的;伪造的GRE◉Etymology’Bogus’这个词的确切词源并不明确,但有几个流行的理论。一种说法认为它可能源自18世纪后期佛蒙特州的口语词’tantrabobus’或’tantrabogus’,这个词用来指代任何奇怪的物体,在19世纪后期被用来指代’魔鬼’。另一种理论是它...
bogus发音 英:['bəʊɡəs] 美:[ˈboɡəs] 英: 美: bogus中文意思翻译 adj.假的, 伪造的 bogus常见例句 1、The charge isbogus, and they know it.─── 指控是伪造的 他们早就知道 2、Bogus IFF transponder responses were tried by Japanese planes to penetrate aircraft carrier task fo...
bogus [boh-guhs] Phonetic (Standard)IPA adjective not genuine; counterfeit; spurious; sham. Synonyms:phony,fake,pseudo,fraudulent noun Printing, Journalism.matter set, by union requirement, by a compositor and later discarded, duplicating the text of an advertisement for which a plate has been ...
In the early 19th century, a "bogus" was a machine used to make counterfeit coins. No one knows for sure how this coin-copying contraption got its name, but before longbogusbecame a name forfunny moneyor for a fraudulent imitation of any kind. The more common "phony" adjective followed....
Bogus 一词最早出现于19世纪初,指一种用来制造假币的机器。没有人确切知道这个单词是如何来的,但有说法认为该词源自臭名昭著的意大利人骗子鲍格才(Borghese)。 该人因在美国西部和西南部的一些州,制作大把伪造的支票、汇票等后到当地主要银行或商店兑换成现金,再赶紧逃之...
沪江词库精选bogus是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语 英音['bəugəs] ; 美音['bogəs] ; 副词 1.赝造的;假货的 英语解释 fraudulent; having a misleading appearance 相似短语 bogus money伪币 bogus banknoten. 假钞,假币 ...