【参考译文】波音KC-135 Stratotanker是一款美国军用空中加油机,它基于波音367-80原型机开发而成,与波音707客机一同诞生。KC-135的机身比707更窄且较短。波音公司内部将这款飞机称为Model 717[3](后来这个编号被分配给了另一款波音飞机)。KC-135是美国空军(USAF)的第一款喷气式加油机,取代了KC-97 Stratofreighter...
Nikoli Sparkes 60-0355 1,046 2 0 Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker Josh Knights 73-1586 181 2 0 Lockheed EC-130H Hercules simon mortimer 62-3543 373 1 0 Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker simon mortimer 62-3543 326 5 0 Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker Taylor Peake 20-5597 560 14 0 Lockheed Mar...
【参考译文】美国空军国民警卫队和空军预备役的KC-135A飞机重新装备了来自退役707客机的普拉特与惠特尼TF33-PW-102发动机(共161架进行了改装)。所有E型号飞机在2009年9月前全部退役并送至亚利桑那州戴维斯-蒙森空军基地的309th AMARG,由R型号飞机取代。 NKC-135E Test-configured KC-135E. 55-3132 NKC-135E "...
Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker Photos The KC-135 Stratotanker’s primary mission is to refuel long-range bombers. It also provides aerial refueling support to Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and allied aircraft. The KC-135 is also capable of transporting litter and ambulatory patients using patient ...
The KC-135 Stratotanker’s primary mission is to refuel long-range bombers. It also provides aerial refueling support to Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and allied aircraft. The KC-135 is also capable of transporting litter and ambulatory patients using patient support pallets during aeromedical evac...
Flight history for aircraft - 58-0086 AIRCRAFT Boeing KC-135T Stratotanker AIRLINE United States - Air Force OPERATOR United States - Air Force TYPE CODE K35R Code RCH Code RCH MODE S AE0681 SERIAL NUMBER (MSN) AGE © Mr Zhi | Jetphotos © Luming Yu | Jetphotos DATEFROMTOFLIGHTFLIGHT...
Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker(ex-Minicraft) Academy 1:144 126382024 New box KC-135A Stratotanker AMT/ERTL 1:72 88481992 New tool Boeing RC-135V Strategic Recon AMT/ERTL 1:72 89561993 New parts Boeing RC-135V/W Rivet Joint Roden 1:144 ...
Flight history for aircraft - 58-0122 AIRCRAFT Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker AIRLINE United States - Air Force OPERATOR United States - Air Force TYPE CODE K35R Code RCH Code RCH MODE S AE0628 SERIAL NUMBER (MSN) AGE © Stefan Schmitz | Jetphotos © mo_planespotter | Jetphotos DATEFROM...
Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker - 574 (France - Air Force) by Yves QUEIGNEC - Share your aviation pictures and discover thousands of high resolution photographs, airlines' information, manufacturers, world airports, etc ...
Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker Features During aerial refueling operations, nearly all internal fuel can be pumped through the tanker’s flying boom, the KC-135’s primary fuel transfer method. A special shuttlecock-shaped drogue, attached to and trailed behind the flying boom, is used to refuel ai...