B-17空中堡垒轰炸机(B-17 flying fortress)是美国波音在1930年代为美国陆军航空军所发展的四发动机重型轰炸机。当时参与竞争此200架新型轰炸机合约的还有道格拉斯和格伦·L·马丁两家公司。在三家竞争者之中,波音设计的机型不但性能突出且更加的符合美国陆军航空军之期望。然而,由于B-17的原型机在一次试飞时坠毁,波音...
B-17 Flying Fortress (BOEING CHALLENGE) 11.2k danman12 6.9 years ago Download 115 downloads Replica Bomber Military United States World War II No description. Specifications Spotlights CRJ900Pilot 6.9 years ago JohnnyBoythePilot 6.9 years ago General Characteristics Created On Android Wingspan ...
The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress is a four-engine heavy bomber aircraft developed for the United States Army Air Corps (USAAC). Competing against Douglas and Martin for a contract to build 200 bombers, the Boeing entry outperformed both the other competitors and more than met the Air Corps' ...
Of course, this isn’t the biggest small B-17 ever built. That record goes to the 1:3 scale Bally Bomber, a real, not remote controlled plane built over the course of two decades by [ Jack Bally]. This is a real plane with a 34 foot wingspan that weighs 1800 pounds. Yes, it ...
Nine-O-Nine was a Boeing B-17G-30-BO Flying Fortress heavy bomber, of the 323rd Bomb Squadron, 91st Bomb Group, that completed 140 combat missions during World War II, believed to be the Eighth Air Force record for most missions, without loss to the crews that flew it. It's nicknam...
Wingspan: 3.5 m (11 ft) Height: 2.3 m (7.5 ft) Empty weight: 2,500 lbs (1,100 kg) Useful load: 1,200 lbs (540 kg) Performance Maximum speed: 480 km/h (300 mph) Avionics Honeywell 12-channel Space Integrated GPS/INS (SIGI) system Boeing X-40 Pictures Living Warbirds: The best...
The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress is a four-engine heavy bomber aircraft developed in the 1930s for the United States Army Air Corps (USAAC). Competing against Douglas and Martin for a contract to build 200 bombers, the Boeing entry outperformed both competitors and more than met the Air Corp...
of 'quick-build' balsa framework construction, wood veneer fuselage and wing surfaces, and pre-formed lightweight plastic parts, to build flying model with 264cm wingspan, believed complete, designed to be powered by four separately sourced 4-chanel radi
Boeing’s answer was the B-17 “Flying Fortress" with four engines and a wingspan of 149 feet. Those developments carried over to the civilian world as well. The Model 314 “Clipper” series, the luxurious flying boat destined to make the first scheduled passenger trans-Atlantic flight; and...
The Phantom Eye demonstrator has a 150-foot (46 meter) wingspan. Boeing claims that it can fly for more than four days at a time at altitudes of up to 65,000 feet. Boeing also claims that the Phantom Eye demonstrator will be able to carry a 450 pound payload and have a cruising spe...