Boeing has issued an alert to airlines using its flagship B787 Dreamliner, warning that the switch used to extinguish an engine fire has failed in a “small number” of instances. The switch also severs the fuel supply and the hydraulic fluid to prevent
The official Boeing website about the 787 Dreamliner and the approved improvements to the 787 battery systems. Get the latest news as we work 24/7 to get the 787 back in service and flying.
ROME (Reuters) -The right engine of a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner operated by Chinese carrier Hainan Airlines caught fire shortly after takeoff from Rome's Fiumicino airport on Sunday, an Italian airport official and the Coast Guard said. The plane, bound for the Chinese city of S...
Main article: Boeing 787 Dreamliner battery problems【参考译文】主条目:波音787梦幻客机电池问题 此图片属于公共领域 图片题注:The Aft Electronics Bay that held the JAL 787 battery that caught fire参考译文:后部电子设备舱内安装了发生起火的日本航空787飞机电池图片来源:National Transportation Safety Board -...
Boeing 787 Dreamliner catches fire; stock takes a beatingDave, Paresh
【参考译文】波音787-8型飞机在三舱布局下通常可容纳234名乘客,两舱国内配置下可容纳240名乘客,而在高密度经济舱布局下则可容纳296名乘客。座位排列可以是头等舱或商务舱的四排至七排式,例如1-2-1, 2-2-2或者2-3-2布局。经济舱可选择八排或九排式,例如3-2-3, 2-4-2或者3-3-3布局。典型座位空间...
The official Boeing website about the 787 Dreamliner and the approved improvements to the 787 battery systems. Get the latest news as we work 24/7 to get the 787 back in service and flying.
Boeing 787 Dreamliner reported on fire at Logan International Airport ( 更多... maverick26v 103 条会员评论Sort type: [Top] [Newest] 发表我的评论 → david lafferty 12 年以前 6 Downvote Upvote I agree... bring back the L1011's!! 回复↓•永久链...
提交时间:11 年以前 The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has approved Boeing's proposal to fix battery issues on the 787 Dreamliner, allowing the airframer to conduct limited test flights on two aircraft even as a safety investigation continues. Boeing would be required to conduct "extensiv...
The National Transportation Safety Board said an improperly installed borescope plug led to a January engine fire on an Atlas Air Boeing 747. Maintenance on the aircraft was performed just four days before the incident. On Jan. 18,Atlas Airflight 3885 was flying between ...