[220] Boeing expects these developments to make the 787 significantly quieter both inside and out.[287] The noise-reducing measures prevent sounds above 85 decibels from leaving airport boundaries.[219] 【参考译文】787飞机由两台引擎提供动力,采用了源自Sonic Cruiser的全电无引气系统,消除了通常用于...
Discover air safety incidents, accidents and plane crashes for the aircraft type Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner. Learn more about the safety record for Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner
Proposed solutions to address recent 787 battery concerns will use a process that ensures thorough review and thoughtful decision making. The Boeing Design Change Process Welcome Several months of exhaustive work by hundreds of people both inside and outside The Boeing Company culminated April 29th, ...
Join Boeing and do work that changes the world. Explore aerospace and defense careers in engineering, business, IT and more, search jobs and apply here.
A new standard of travel inspired by Hawaii Be some of the first to fly on our new flagship aircraft, the Hawaiian Airlines Boeing 787. The fuel-efficient planes travel at a lower cabin altitude pressurization with enhanced filtration and turbulence sensors, resulting in a more comfortable flight...
【参考译文】2021年6月18日,一架注册编号为G-ZBJB的英国航空787-8型飞机在伦敦希思罗机场583机位静止时,前起落架突然坍塌。事故发生后流传出的照片显示,飞机前部着地,前起落架门受损。[409] 当时飞机上没有乘客,并且正在装载货物准备从希思罗飞往法兰克福机场的货运航班。这起事故目前正由英国航空事故调查分支(...
The delivery from its South Carolina factory comes as Boeing undertakes painstaking repairs and forensic inspections to fix structural integrity flaws embedded deep inside dozens of 787s, issues which halted deliveries since October, cutting off a key source of cash. The inspections and retrof...
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The official Boeing website about the 787 Dreamliner and the approved improvements to the 787 battery systems. Get the latest news as we work 24/7 to get the 787 back in service and flying.
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