A6-BLO. Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner. JetPhotos.com is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!
The Boeing 787-10 (B78X) is my favourite aircraft type, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to post this exquisite Etihad Boeing 787-10 on JetPhotos. The aircraft with registration A6-BMJ is proceeding to Vienna Airport after a five-hour journey from the capital of the UAE, ...
【参考译文】2021年6月18日,一架注册编号为G-ZBJB的英国航空787-8型飞机在伦敦希思罗机场583机位静止时,前起落架突然坍塌。事故发生后流传出的照片显示,飞机前部着地,前起落架门受损。[409] 当时飞机上没有乘客,并且正在装载货物准备从希思罗飞往法兰克福机场的货运航班。这起事故目前正由英国航空事故调查分支(...
A6-BLD / A6BLD (Etihad Airways) - Aircraft info, flight history, flight schedule and flight playback
After removal of the test equipment, the aircraft was delivered to Etihad Airways.[368] 【参考译文】2014年,第四个原型机787-8被用于包括使用可持续航空燃料、陶瓷基复合材料发动机排气喷嘴以及改进的空中交通控制(ATC)通信系统和更紧密的着陆接近间隔的测试。[367] 2020年,一架新的787-10参与了该计划,包括...
2025 First Officers—Boeing 787 - Riyadh KSARiyadh AirMENA Type Rated First Officers—B777 Cargo - Abu Dhabi UAEEtihad AirwaysMENA Type Rated Captains—Boeing 737 - Santa Domingo DRArajetLatin Am First Officers—Boeing 737 - Santa Domingo DRArajetLatin Am ...
Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, is introducing two major new aircraft types into service. The carrier's first Airbus A380 started daily flights from Abu Dhabi to London Heathrow on December 27 and its first 787 Dreamliner is scheduled to operate its first comme...
1 Etihad has taken the top spot this year, moving up two places from its last appearance in the list, and for good reason. In case you have been living under a rock for the last 12 months, Etihad has revealed and launched its award-winni... Airways (Sandpoint, Idaho) - 《Airways》...
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